( By Dr. S. R. Jindal )

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Sinusitis is an inflammation of the Para Nasal Sinuses (PNS). The PNS are small air cavities in the bones around the nose, which communicate with the nose. Infections of the nose , mouth, teeth, throat,tonsils can cause sinusitis. Other factors are -swimming in infected water, low general health,exposure to cold, fatigue and tooth extraction.Inhalation of irritants like pungent vapours, dust may also play a role.

There is irritation of mucous membrane increasing its secretion and causing swelling. This tends to block the aperture (opening ) of the sinuses, thus reducing drainage. Thus, there is pain over the areas of the sinuses, cheeks, forehead, temples. There may be fever, yellowish green discharge from the nose. If not treated properly, it may become a chronic condition.

The complications of Sinusitis are infection of the eye, of the middle ear, Meningitis, brain or lung abscess, Bronchitis, Pharyngitis, Laryngitis etc.


In such acute diseases / reactions, Nature tries to convey the message as to what we should do at the stages of inflammation and fever. Many will wonder why fasting, particularly in fever or inflammation or in digestive disturbances is so beneficial. The reason is that during such times (which naturopaths have been accustomed to term ‘healing crisis’), the bio-chemical and circulating forces of the body are mobilised and directed to the task of cleansing the tissues and detoxication,eliminating the morbid wastes. The rise in body temperature produces well known thermo-chemical effect, increasing the rate of our internal chemical reactions - in effect, burning up the rubbish. Two of the worst enemies of the sinus sufferers are refined white sugar and salt. Avoid these at all costs. Adopt all the measures suggested under common cold but more vigorously and try to be on mono-diet and water for as long as possible, at least for 7 days. In other words, take one variety of fruit, preferably papaya 4 to 5 times during the day and drink lots of water and nothing else.


Neglected or untreated cold and Sinusitis often develop into an acute Bronchitis which gives rise to high fever, cough and difficulty in breathing. The bronchial tubes get congested and irritated requiring longer period for healing. The procedure and treatments suggested under common cold apply here also but should be pursued under the guidance of a Naturopath. Ignoring it or giving incomplete treatment may lead to chronic Bronchitis and other complications. Hot foot and arm bath besides chest pack twice daily for 2-3 weeks, breathing exercises and strict diet control, fasting, enema, etc. are very essential.


Asthama is a common respiratory ailment.There is difficulty in breathing, wheezing and a feeling of tightness in the chest. Cough may be present. The duration of attack may vary from hours to days. In between attacks, the patient is usually normal. Irritants like dust and smoke, respiratory infections, physical exertion, change in weather, cold or humid weather and emotional stress can trigger attacks of Asthma. Very obviously , smoking and air pollution are harbingers of suffering to most asthmatics. There is a family history of asthma / allergy in a number of cases. Constipation and indigestion can play havoc with an asthmatic patient.

Asthma, though dreadful, is never fatal.However, the suffering of the patient calls for immediate measures for relief.

In fact, there seems to be no permanent cure for Asthma in the world. Using drugs is not the real answer. For long term relief or cure the sufferers should follow the principles of Nature Cure and Yoga. The treatments, diet, exercises and Yogic kriyas and pranayama are advised in the chart at the end of this book. Eliminate from the diet, allergic food, such as all dairy products, chocolates, fish, tomatoes,citrus fruits, banana, guava, grapes, fried and heavy food. Cut out all irritants like tea, coffee, spices, alcohol, tobacco, salt, sugar, vinegar, etc. Take a light nutritious and balanced diet rich in fibre / roughage,low in protein and fat comprising of vegetables, fruits, sprouts, eating little at a time but more frequently - also drink a lot of water. Avoid sweets,fried and spicy food, sour preparations including chutneys, pickles etc. Evening supper should be very very light and at least two and half hours before going to bed so as to enjoy a good sleep. Besides,learn the technique of overcoming stress. Shavasana or Yoganidra is a very good relaxant. Also learn and practice various Yogic asanas, kriyas and pranayamas every morning after undergoing Nature Cure treatments so as to say good bye to asthma. Swimming is the best exercise to prevent asthama.

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