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9th December 200911:00 am

HELP is proud to introduce a

Workshop on \'Qigong\'

From 9th Dec to 15th Dec (except 13th Dec) 2009 at 11:00 am.

This 6 day Session (2 hrs each) will be conducted by

Mr H B Muralidhar

Be a part of the session at HELP


Registration Fee:-Rs.100/-each day

Call : 65952393/94, 22061101

What is Zhineng Qigong?
Qi means \'energy\' in chinese and Gong means \'exercise\'. Qigong is an ancient energy modality with gentle, slow and soft body movements using voluantary conciousness to make oneself abundant in energy. Qigong is an internal meditative art focussing on mind-body method to rid oneself of serious to chronic illness. It is also practised by athletes, healthy normal people to remain healthier. Zhineng Qigong is Chinas\' top notch medical qigong that is based on complex and comprehensive scientific theory of \'entirety\'. It is on record that its success rate in curing people suffering from many diseases, serious to chronic, has been 95% which is an amazing figure. All this has been made possible only by sincerely and regularly practising Zhineng Qigong.

The human system produces the most profound medicine naturally within by practising Zhineng Qigong. Zhineng Qigong is time-tested tool for activating this incredible human potential. The range of application is immense from personal challenges such as any illness, fatigue to cultural challenges such as violence, learning disabilities and addictions. It was introduced to the public in 1982 by a doctor with dual medical degrees.

The wonder of this ancient multilevel mind-body enhancement is that it can contribute benefits for diverse situations and needs. There are no boundaries to who can benefit – very old and very young, people who are extremely ill and those who are well and want to stay well. No wonder, it is gaining momentum in the western world where people in general are stressed out due to lifestyle and attitude. WHO and British Heart Foundation are promoting Qigong in the west as innovative patient programme.

Qigong can be used to cure or heal but it does so by maximizing body’s naturally available resources. There are two ways to kill the bacteria. One, by injecting antibiotic you attack the disease that may temporarily halt the disease but end up spreading dangerous side effects. Two, by probiotic methods using Qigong, you boost the immune system to kill bacteria without any side effects. Hence the saying\"A rupee of prevention is better than a cure worth lakhs of rupees with life threatening side effects”

Speaker's Bio

Mr. H. B. Muralidhar

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