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The Science Of Muscle Testing: Kinesiology-touch For Health

10th September 20103:30pm

This video is talk conducted by Ms.Faustinelli Annelyse at HELP on 10th Sept 10 : topic - \"The Science of Muscle Testing : Kinesiology-Touch for Health\"

Ms.Faustinelli Annelyse and can be contacted at 98212 83060

Speaker's Bio

Ms. Faustinelli Annelyse

Faustinelli Annelyse is a Kinesiologist and Master of Reiki. She practices in helping her clients to live a better life through kine(counseling).

Contact details:
Faustinelli Annelyse
Rue Pré Court 18                            
1893 Muraz Swizz                          
Tél: +41244727725                            
Mob: +41796116337                          

1.    Ecole Menagere
2.    Teacher of Kinesiologist
3.    Grand Master of Reiki

Points covering my talk are as follows:
2.What is Kinesiology: a)The history b)Defination c)What kine brings to our Life.
3.Demonstation of TOUCH FOR HEALTH
4. Conclusion


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