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Hidden Secrets Of Your Handwriting

11th April 20113:30pm

Introduction to Graphology
How it works
Applications of Graphology
Analyses based on Gestalt and Strokes method
Health and Graphology
Sample cases
Take home points
Q & A session

This video is a talk by Dr. Jasmine Shah at HELP on 11th April,11. Topic \"Hidden Secrets of your Handwriting\".

Dr. Jasmine Shah can be contacted at 9820645024.

Speaker's Bio

Dr. Jasmine Shah

Qualiifcations: BHMS (Mum), HMD (U.K), CCD, CGO, Graphologist

After graduating in Homoeopathy and practicing the same for nearly 14
years, Dr. Jasmine got interested in holistic health and has completed her
training in clinical hypnosis, emotional freedom technique, theta healing,
chakra healing and graphology. She has integrated these techniques in
her medical practice and has healed many patients suffering from various
recurring diseases and ailments. Dr. Jasmine strongly believes that health is
not merely freedom from disease but the capacity to be truly alive and live a
joyous happy life by creating a harmonious balance between the mind, body
and soul.

Mobile: 9820645024, 9833001298


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