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Life As An Ostamate - meet The Ostomates And learn about their association

27th April 20113:30pm

Mr.T. Singaravel  is a Cancer patient. Cancer affected his bladder and has been removed and  a surgical opening (A wall  made on the abdomen is made by the surgeon  called \"Stoma\")  has been made on the abdomen  to collect the urine.   For collecting the urine, he has to use ostomy appliances. He purchases these appliances from Ostomy Association of India.

Ostomy Association of India is providing equipment to  Urostomy,Colostomy Ileostomy management and counseling the new patient.

OSTOMY ASSOCIATION OF INDIA  was started at the initiative of two ostomates Late Shri Hiralal Narang and Late Shri Ramakant Shah in the year 1975.  It is a self help group of ostomates for mutual exchange of experience and information about Stoma Care and use of Ostomy Appliances.

At present Ostomy Association of India has got two Enterostomal Therapist Nurses who provide Stoma care in the  Stoma Clinic in the premises of Ostomy Association of India.

•       Members of the Association arrange meetings with patients for pre-operation counseling as well as post-operative counseling which gives tremendous boost to the confidence of the patients.

•       Periodical meetings between the old ostomates and new ostomates is arranged for exchange of experience among themselves.

•       Ostomy Association of India procures Ostomy equipments manufactured in India or imported, and they are supplied to the Ostomates on no-profit no- loss basis. For outstation members equipments are sent
by parcel.

•       It is the intention of the Association to have Chapters in various places, if there are sufficient member of ostomates in each District or in each group of two or three Districts.

•       Information useful to the ostomates like concession in Travels, visiting place of worship, Income Tax Exemption etc also is provided.

May we request you in helping the Association to reach out to large number of Ostomates by establishing Chapters in different places and enlisting ostomates who have been operated by you as members of Ostomy
Association of India.

We enclose information to patients and proforma Application.

This video is a talk by Mr.T. Singaravel at HELP on 27th April,11. Topic \"Life as an Ostomate - Meet the Ostomates and Learn about their Association\". Mr.T. Singaravel can be contacted at 22031082. This is part of the HELP Talk series at HELP,
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Speaker's Bio

Mr. T. Singaravel

Mr.T. Singaravel  is the Hon.Chairman of the Ostomy Association of India. He is retired IPS Officer and a Member of the Maharashtra State Human Right Commission..

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