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Can We Reverse Certain Diseases-a Presentation On Health And Lifestyle

2nd July 20113.30

This video is a talk by Mr.Vijay B Joshi at HELP on 1st July, 11. Topic \"Can We Reverse Ceratin Diseases\". Mr.Vijay B Joshi can be contacted at 9819751204.This is part of the HELP Talk series at HELP, Health Education Library for People, the worlds largest free patient education library

The purpose of the presentation is to introduce the concept of plant based diet and it\'s contribution to health.

 The presentation begins with how Prof Joshi was  detected to be a diabetic in 2000 at the age of 51. and his life style then. The journey between 2000 to 2009 is briefly narrated. The questions about what do we mean by health ? Further,a quick review of current status of world and India on major Non Communicable Diseases is taken .It becomes clear that though we as human beings have developed in many fields,on health front we are Not OK.

The concept of lifestyle diseases is introduced and possible reasons are explored. The concept of plant based food is also introduced. Then ,the life style changes made by V B Joshi are shared briefly.Some information about SHARAN\'s activities is given.

This is followed by brief question answer session.( around 15 minutes).

Speaker's Bio

Mr. Vijay Joshi

Professional experience : Spanning 38 years, in education-

a)Teaching- from   teaching in schools, adult education and teaching to  Post Graduation in Management (MBA and PG D).

b) Research- in test construction –Five  and half years in developing tests on Guilford’s Structure of Intelligence model, one and half years in adult education 23 years in selection tests, admission tests at the national level.

c)Industry –Two and half years in enhancing self learning at one of the top Cement Manufacturing company,19 yrs in Banking industry’s selection of manpower-recruitment and promotions.


 Life Style Advisor(Voluntary basis)SHARAN and free lance consultant

 Advisor Shantiniketan Trust Nagpur, Member-BoS SDL NMIMS

Former Sr.Education Specialist with  Gautam Khandelwal group of industries

Former Dean –Admissions and Former Professor and Head  H.R. and B.S at SVKM’S NMIMS University

Former Prof and Head Ambuja Centre of Learning Ambuja Cements Ltd

Former Prof of Psychometrics Institute.of Banking Personnel Selection


Specific Professional  Achievement:

a)   Design and development of psychometric tools for national level selection examinations

b)   Standardization of MBA selection process for NMIMS –deemed University

c)   Design and running of a Knowledge portal for a cement company         

d)   Conduct of assessment centres for Industries

e)   studies on effectiveness of selection process.

f)    Designed and introduced P G  Diploma’s in i) Education Management ii)Human Resources Mgmt

Social Achievements:

a)      Lead a parents association of a school for 8 yrs.

b)      Conducted no of programs for Parents, students and teachers.

Memberships to Professional bodies:

Life member-All India Management Association (M.I.M.A)

Life member-All India Association for Educational Technology

Life member-Indian Association of Applied Psychology

Life member-All India Association of Educational Research

Contact details: Email:  Phone:  9819751204


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