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Overcoming Obesity – The Natural Way

11th July 20113:30pm

This video is a talk by Mr.Peter Theobald at HELP on 11th July, 11. Topic \"Overcoming Obesity The Natural
Way\".Mr.Peter Theobald can be contacted at 9324507156.This is part of the HELP Talk series at HELP,Health Education Library for People, the worlds largest free patient education library
Everyday thousands of people are looking for key useful tips on overcoming obesity, in this video Mr.Peter Theobald has given some natural effective ways through which one can overcome obesity.

Obesity is becoming a very common problem today - one that concerns people of all ages. Everyone wants to lose weight, but not quite sure how to do it surely, safely and in a way that it lasts for a lifetime. This talk covers what it means to be overweight, why you should lose weight, systems that fail  or those that offer temporary results, and then focuses on a scientifically proven method to lose weight and keep it off, at the same time improving health and fitness levels

Speaker's Bio

Mr. Peter Theobald

Mr.Peter Theobald is a Sharan Lifestyle Advisor, associated with the NGO Sharan ( His basic activities are to give talks to people on natural health issues, ie. how they can take charge of and improve their health by natural means, primarily a healthful plant-based. One-on-one consultancies are also available

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