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Vaastu Dosha & Diseases

18th July 20113:30pm

Human body and vaastu, (constructed place) both acts and reacts in a similar way, because as per Indian ancient thought both are living being. We live in Vaastu like our soul live in human body. The earth, on which construction is made, is also called mother earth in Indian culture. Now the modern scientists have proved that the mother earth take breath but ancient Indian experts in Vaastu Shastra said that mother earth sit sleep and also face period time like any other female at the time of period if digging made for construction entire family have to suffer with untimely death or death like problems. The constructed part of land come under the lordship of a living entity called Vaastu Purush as per Indian Vaastu Shastra belief.

We know own body better, hence let us see about our own body first. Ancient Jain Shashtra say that human body is the house of 56899584 types of diseases, and modern science says that an adult body consist of 60,000 billion cells, each cell contains about 200 billion molecules and each molecule contain about 30,000 atoms so we can imagine the population of one human healthy body. The constructed place and the human body both are made of five elements. The balance of these five elements in human body means good health and imbalance leads to disease so is the Vaastu as both are made up of same elements.

Example- if the outer portion of the house walls is rough the occupants will also face roughness of skin.
Feng – Shui experts believe that when a lady at home is pregnant then no construction or repair should be done at place as it effects the coming child`s health. For example on the inner wall where the pregnant lady is living if nail inserted in the wall with help of hammer possibly the child may have hole inside the body at the representing portion. Possibly and unknowingly some time the hole in heart of child could be the result of such act. In that case it has to be proved if proper research could be made. Feng shui experts also believe that when a person enter any place, within nine second the energy of that place start to effect the person. Some time you must have felt that when we go to meet someone with limited time but feel better and stay for more time pleasantly, on the other side when we go to stay for longer time but come out early as you feel uneasy. This could be the effect of the energy of that place. If the energy of place is positive than we enjoy health wealth and prosperity from that place, but if it is negative than even after all the placements are made as per Vaastu principles, the prosperity seems far away. These all come under the category of Vaastu- Dosha.

Let us see how these affect us direction wise, in the talk at HELP library CST MUMBAI on 18-07-2011 at 3-30 PM This video is a talk by Mr.Vijay Jain at HELP on 18th July, 11. Topic \"Vaastu Dosha And Diseases\".Mrs.Vijay Jain can be contacted at 9324456898.This is part of the HELP Talk series at HELP,Health Education Library for People, the worlds largest free patient education library

Speaker's Bio

Mr. Vijay Jain

Vijay Jain practices Vaastu & Numerology consultation from past 12 years. He had thought millions of his viewers the tips and tricks of Vaastu and effective use of numerology through his television programs telecasted in Aastha, Sadhana and Care TV for about 3 years. Mr.Jain shares his knowledge with everyone through magazine, newspaper and blog articles. He is considered to be the most trustworthy Vaastu Consultation

Vijay Jain is the founder of Natural Health Club & Secretary of Indian Forum for Alternative Medicine and Holistic Health Science

Practising Professional Vastu / Numerology Consultant from past 12 years.

Appeared on 3 different T.V channels presenting tips on Vaastu Shastra, Ancient Indian Architecture for about 2 years.

Writes articles on Vaastu and Numerology science for various newspapers and magazines.


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