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Bypass & Angioplasty : Debate Continues

22nd August 20114:00pm

Synopsis :
CABG or Angioplasty the debate continues ....   
Dr.Bashisht Mishra  will focus on the rational of CABG or Angioplasty for patients with coronary artery  disease.Though the topic is controversial  and  complete scientific data is lacking he will give some information which will guide the common man in discussion for the treatment of there loved ones.

This video is a talk by Dr.Bashisht Mishra at HELP on 22nd August, 11. Topic \"Bypass & Cardiology : Debate Continues\".Dr.Bashisht Mishra can be contacted at 9619107666.This is part of the HELP Talk series at HELP,Health Education Library for People, the worlds largest free patient education library

Speaker's Bio

Dr. Bashisth Mishra

A heart surgeon and also performs Bypass surgery and other heart
operations at Bombay Hospoital & Breach Candy Hospital.

Contact Number: 9619107666

Qualifications: M Ch ( CTVS), Formerly Visiting Surgeon Cleveland Clinic  Ohio,USA,Clinical Fellow Royal Prince alfred Hospital Sydney Australia, and Westmead Hospital Sidney & Chief Cardiac Surgeon  & Director ZHS Hospital Dhaka Bangladesh.
 Presently , a senior Cardiac Surgeon at Bombay Hospital Mumbai.Also he do Adult heart surgery and specializes in operations for Coronary artery disease( Bypass surgery ,Total arterial revascularization ,Re operative Bypass surgery),Heart Valve disease including Valve repairs,Aortic surgery ( for Aortic aneurysms and Dissections) and Endo- Aortic stenting.Further information about me is available on   : .Contact Details: Dr B Mishra ,  Cardiac Surgeon ,Room 206 New wing ,Bombay Hospital Marine Lines  Mumbai 20 Email:


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