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Aspects Of Hynotherapy

26th August 20113.00pm



1) What is it? How safe is it? What can it do? Plus any questions that people may want answers to.
2) Dispell the myths about hypnotherapy
3) Understanding the subconscious mind. The subconcsious mind is the source of all our talents and also problems.
4) Understanding the power of the mind
5) Accessing and learning how you can use the power of your own mind.
6) Believe it or not: everyone has experienced hypnosis already. 

This video is a talk by Dr.Jimmy Modi at HELP on 26th August, 11. Topic \"Aspects Of Hypnotherapy\".Dr.Jimmy Modi can be contacted at 9870027801.This is part of the HELP Talk series at HELP,Health Education Library for People, the worlds largest free patient education library

Speaker's Bio

Dr. Jimmy K. Modi


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