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Patient Community Pre- Conference Seminar

20th August 201111:30am

Some interesting ideas presented by Dr.Shaivi, Dr.Soumil, Dr.Manasi and Dr.Amar were:

1.  The problem is not too little but too much information - how should the patient sieve through all the information
2.  Patients are not aware of resources at hand;
3.  Support groups are found to be helpful; online support groups equally helpful; 
4.  What makes the patient happy - is sitting down and talking to the patient - they don\'t care if the doctor is better known or better qualified; 
5.   Convert patients from being passive to active
6.   Group therapy works better than individual therapy
7.   How can IT be used: every hospital should have
      - all health information available for patients
      - EMR for each patient to help patients and also for research for specific populations
      - information should be easily accessible
      - translated information
      - online access to pharmacies to purchase/refill medicines
      - easy communication with your doctor (email/sms)
      - obviate need of human communication
      - online services should be interactive
8.   End Goal of Information Therapy should be Happy Patient ...... Happy Doctor + Staff
9.   A website to put up reviews of doctors/services by patients.
10. Arrange the hospital sections to provide a single window to patients for all services including information therapy.
11. Dr.Amar working at Tata welcomed the idea of patient education center at all hospitals.

Speaker's Bio

Ms Anjoo Chandiramani


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