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Ayurveda : Nature's Medicine - Iv

14th September 20113.30pm

This video is a talk Dr.Rohit Bartakeat HELP on 14th September, 11. Topic \"Ayurveda : Nature\'s Medicine-IV\". can be contacted at 9819689024s.This is part of the HELP Talk series at HELP,Health Education Library for People, the worlds largest free patient education library

Speaker's Bio

Dr. Rohit Bartake

I am Dr.Rohit N Bartake  completed my BAMS  from Maharashtra  University of Health Sciences Nashik
from KGMP  Ayurved Mahavidyalaya.I am  an  AYURVEDACHARYA  working at 
as  an Ayurved consultant n Panchakarma Physician in Mulund  Mumbai.I am  a regular speaker  at  
Help Llibrary Fort n other such public platforms on different topics related to  Ayurved for  general public
 to create  awareness about this special  science. Also keep writing  articles in different  news papers n
 magazines on health and  Ayurved related topics.I am very passionate about  Ayurved and i  feel it  works 
miraculously. And also it a  a need of time.Being born  n  brought up in  a small town Roha in  Raigad  District 
away  from mumbai which is  surrounded by mountains  from  three  sides n river  flowing from the fourth side i always had close connection with  the  nature. So getting into Ayurved although not planned  specifically was  
an  opportunity to be with  the  nature so am loving it a  lot........Its like a  blessing in disguise.

Dr. Rohit Bartake
98196 89024


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