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Magnetism,vaastu & Health

22nd September 20113:30pm


Our Mother earth: Our mother earth acts as a big magnet. Earth`s magnetic power in general is about 0.5 gauss. Though it is negligible but has very powerful effects on living being including all Human. Human magnetic energy is about 1.5 gauss. Mr. Gauss was the first scientist who measured the magnetic power. In Ayurveda it was the part of healing since thousands of years. Details of magnetism its different types and their wonderful uses are given in Ayurveda.

Human Body: In our human body our head is North and our toe acts as South pole of magnet. As we know that similar poles repel and dissimilar poles attract each other,for good health we sleep with head in south as head acts as North pole of the body. Each and every cell of the body acts as a tiny magnet with memory. It is the memory of cells that help a doctor to find out the disease in the body by taking some blood from the body. If I stand facing to east my left side is in north and right side is in south side. North has cooling effects and south has warm or hot effects.

Land: The same principles apply on a piece of land. When a piece of land surrounded with the help of wall it acts as an independent identity, having its own poles South and North. When construction again divided by walls each and every room will have again an independent identity as magnet. One side of wall will represent south while other side will represent North pole of magnet.

Effects of magnets on human body: If a person sleep with head towards North , due to repultion of head`s north pole with north direction can become the cause of brain hemorrhage, headache, sleeplessness etc.
In case of headache negative pole of magnet keep on the fore head for 15 minutes will help to reduce
headache. In case of cold both the curve magnets keep around the nose blue on left side red on right side will
help to clean the nose. Keeping the big magnets below the hands and feet as directed by expert will help to reduce so many pains from the body and regular use of magnetic water help to clean the entire body system for
every person in family under expert guidance. Modern science accepted that in cancer magnetic power help to kill cancer germs. Effects of disturbance in magnetic field of earth. Most of the critical incurable diseases in human body is the result of magnetic disturbance of earth. If a person sit or sleep for long time on the line of Electro Bio Magnetic Field (BEMR), he or she will have to suffer by incurable disease like cancer, tumor etc.
It also helps in growth of living being. Just use magnetized water for plants there will be extra growth of plants.
Use magnetized water for any pipe line it will help to avoid any type of unwanted deposit inside the
pipe line. Please remember that when we entre at any place, within nine seconds the energy of that place start
to effects our body. The most simple way is stand at the place check own breathing if it increase than
12/14 the energy of place is not good and if reduces tan 12/14 the energy of place is good.
Good luck.

Vijay jain

Speaker's Bio

Mr. Vijay Jain

Vijay Jain practices Vaastu & Numerology consultation from past 12 years. He had thought millions of his viewers the tips and tricks of Vaastu and effective use of numerology through his television programs telecasted in Aastha, Sadhana and Care TV for about 3 years. Mr.Jain shares his knowledge with everyone through magazine, newspaper and blog articles. He is considered to be the most trustworthy Vaastu Consultation

Vijay Jain is the founder of Natural Health Club & Secretary of Indian Forum for Alternative Medicine and Holistic Health Science

Practising Professional Vastu / Numerology Consultant from past 12 years.

Appeared on 3 different T.V channels presenting tips on Vaastu Shastra, Ancient Indian Architecture for about 2 years.

Writes articles on Vaastu and Numerology science for various newspapers and magazines.

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