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Using Information Therapy To Put Patients First 2nd Annual Conference

9th October 201110:00am

Nehru Centre, Sunday 9th October 2011 (10.30am – 1.30p.m.)

All of us will be patients some day; what can we do to ensure that we get the best medical care when we fall ill ?

Information Therapy – the right information at the right time for the right person to make a better health decision – is powerful medicine.

Ideally, with every prescription, a doctor prescribes information along with the regimen and medication; and in a perfect world, every clinic, hospital, pharmacy and diagnostic centre has a patient education resource centre, where people can find information on their health problems. In a perfect world, healthcare is completely patient-centric and the patient is fully informed so as to make the best choices for himself.

This conference is a small step to making that world a reality with the twin objectives of motivating doctors to prescribe information and encouraging patients to ask for it.  Despite being such a self-evident and simple concept, Information Therapy is rarely implemented today.

What can we do to fix this? This conference explores how Information Therapy impacts all players in the healthcare ecosystem-patients, doctors, hospitals, health insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies and the government – and how it can help all of us.

Information Therapy has progressed in the U.S.A. to a greater extent than in India and we can learn from their experiences. Mr.Ken Long, Vice President, International Operations at Healthwise, U.S.A, a nonprofit organization which is the world’s largest producer of patient educational material, will be the keynote speaker and he will speak on \"What Healthwise is doing in the US to Promote Information Therapy – what we’ve learned so far”.

As Kahlil Gibran said, ‘Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be’.  Information Therapy is the future – and in India, using our medical and IT expertise, we can outdo the rest of the world and become leaders in this space.

On this occasion, we will release a book titled, Using Information Therapy to Put Patients First.

More information is available at . You can also contact the organizers for further information:

Drs.Aniruddha and Anjali Malpani
Founders & Medical Directors,
Health Education Library for People (HELP)
Tel:22061101, 22031133, 65952393, 65952394

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Speaker's Bio

Dr. Aniruddha Malpani

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