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Psychological Well Being Through Graphology: Self Esteem

22nd November 201103:30 pm

In this talk I intend to broadly cover a brief on how various psychological aspects are revealed by graphology with specific focus on self-esteem. Self-esteem is an important aspect of psychological wellbeing. Those suffering from low self-esteem face many problems in day to day life. Graphology can help in detecting it and improving. Broadly the talk will be divided in Three parts as follows:-

a)      Brief on graphology, consisting of broad indicators and their interpretations. Also Graphotherapy – concept and limitations.   

b)      Concept of Self-esteem, problems faced due to low self-esteem and tips on developing a healthy self-esteem.

c)      Graphological indicators for self-esteem & Graphotherapy for improving it.

Speaker's Bio

Mr Ravindra Junagade


Ravindra is practicing Graphology since about a decade. His main objective of working in this field is to promote this wonderful technique in an ethical way. In our country its application is still limited and there are many misconceptions about it, mainly due to people practicing it with inadequate knowledge.

 While he also conducts courses, but his main focus is on profiling of psychological makeup of a person from handwriting. Accuracy of his findings from handwriting has been appreciated by clients as well as graphologists of international repute. His methodology of analysis was published by American Association of Handwriting Analysts (AAHA).

 For knowing more about Graphology, he can be contacted on: -  or  21733059.



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