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Simple Test To Prevent Cancer: Something All Women Need To Know.

19th December 20113.30 pm

Speaker's Bio

Dr. Rajshree Kumar

Dr( Mrs) Rajshree Kumar

·        MBBS AND MD (Obstetrics and Gynecology) from Banaras Hindu University December 1994

 ·        Gyn. Oncology Tata Memorial Hospital Mumbai

 ·        Fellow at the Center of Reproductive Health Research and Policy, University of California, San Francisco, USA 2000

 ·        Member of Technical Advisory Group (TAG) for Comprehensive Cervical Cancer Control : A guide to essential practice WHO since 2004

 ·        Regional Reproductive Health Advisor for various organizations including WHO, UNICEF , UNFA, Options UK and JHPIEGO ( affiliate of John Hopkins Program for International Education in OBGYN)

 ·        Peer Reviewer for Surgical Oncology Journal

 ·        Recipient of FIGO Fellowship (International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics)  to attend the World Congress Meeting in Washington DC 2000

 ·        Young Gynecologist Award 1998 From Asia Oceania Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecology



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