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Naturopathy Principles And Philosophy – Integration With Modern Lifestyle.

3rd March 201203:30pm

Speaker's Bio

Dr. Hanumant Walke

Name: Dr. H.B. Walke

Qualification: - General – M.Com – L.L.B.

                          Medical – P.G.D.Y.N ( B.A M.U.)

                                            B.N.M.S.  M.D. (A.M.)

       I am born in Maharashtra and was educated in Goa and Maharashtra. After completing secondary education I had an earnest desire to acquire the medical knowledge and medical degree. But due to various situations prevailing at that time I could not enter medical education.

       I have worked in a financial institution for about 31 years and has handled different portfolios related to finance, project finance, administration, public liaising and conducting seminars.


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