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Benefits Of Developing Your Memory Power.

19th March 20123.30 pm

Synopsis of ALL the points will cover during the talk at HELP Library in programme.

ü Introduction to Human Brain

ü What is Memory?

ü Drawbacks of Lack of Memory

ü Benefits of Memory

ü Why you need to develop your Memory Power

ü Memory Demonstration

ü Questions & Answers

Speaker's Bio

Mr. Dishank Tiwari

Mr. Dishank Tiwari.

1. \"National Memory Record Holder” in \"India Book of Records” 

2.  An internationally Ranked Memory Sports Athlete 

3.  Ranked among Top 20 athletes in India 

4.  9th rank in Indian National Memory Championship-2010

National ranking 2010:

·   3rd rank in 10 min cards

·   6th rank in 5 min words

·   8th rank in 5 min cards

·   10th rank in 5 min names and faces

·   10th rank in spoken numbers

World ranking 2012:

\"*\" 47th Rank in 5 min names and faces

\"*\" 79th Rank in 10 min cardsAs a Memory Trainer, have trained many students in Ladakh & Bilaspur!



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