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Gifted Education - For Children With High Iqs And Exceptional Abilities

16th April 20123.30 pm

Gifted Education is a new concept in India. It is enrichment education for children

with very high to exceptional abilities. Children with high IQs, deep thinkers,

self-learners, those that are intensely curious, imaginative, intuitive, insightful and

empathetic fall into this category.

Giftedness is a special need. These children have needs that are often not

acknowledged or catered to. If these children are neglected, many of them will

become under achievers, some will become anti-social and self-destructive. These

children are often bored with routine and repetition. Constantly waiting for everyone

else to catch up, they often develop poor work skills and learn not to persevere. It is a

loss of immense potential.

More importantly, it is deprivation of the child’s right to a happy and fulfilled

childhood and future. Just as we cater to the lower end of the spectrum by

differentiated programmes, we must respond to the need of the upper end by making

sure they do not lose their way.

To familiarise teachers and professionals with abilities of this spectrum, Help Library is organising

a talk entitled: \"Gifted Education” - A workshop on Giftedness and its Significance.

Usha Pandit, the speaker, is a highly experienced gifted Educator and an Educational

Consultant, specialising in curriculum development, gifted education and the

academic management of educational institutions. She has had over twenty years of

teaching experience in four countries. She will speak on how to identify the gifted

child and what his/her special needs are.

Speaker's Bio

Ms. Usha Pandit

Usha Pandit is an educational consultant, specializing in curriculum development, gifted
education and the academic and administrative management of educational organizations.
She has had over twenty five years of teaching experience in four countries. She brings
to consulting a deep understanding of the educational needs of students from a range of
cultures and age groups.

Usha’s experience ranges from senior high and college education in India and Hong Kong
(under the British curriculum), to gifted education and accelerated primary learning in
Auckland and Jakarta (under the Australian curriculum). She has a Master degrees in
English, and a Masters degree in Education from India; and certificates in Education from
Cambridge and Auckland.

Usha moved into the area of development and implementation of school-wide programmes
and curricula. She set up the highly successful gifted education programme at the
Austalian International School in Jakarta, covering start-up and marketing as well as
developing the identification criteria and curriculum framework for the programme going

In India, Usha has been first consultant to the Oasis International School in Bangalore
and SGKM International School, Mumbai involving the development of curricula and
teacher training. Both assignments have been rewarding and successful, with the schools
enjoying a monumental increase in public awareness, inflow of capital investments and
grants, and a clearer articulation of vision and long-term strategy.

In the last seven years, Usha has been retained by the Cathedral and John Connon Schools
as their Academic Consultant where she spearheaded major overhauling of the syllabus
in all subjects from Infant to early High School and doing a detailed audit of the infant,
junior and middle schools for all subjects. Currently Usha is Academic Consultant looking
after quality control and the Head of the School Connect Programme at the Euro School
group of schools.

Usha started the Mindsprings Enrichment Centre in the year 2011 in partnership with
Vidushi Chaudhry. The Centre has so far been involved in intervention programmes for
regular schools in mainstream classes of English reading, writing, grammar and spelling
and for IGCSE checkpoint intervention. The centre also does a unique 2 year Teacher
Enhancement Programmes for schools to improve both English and classroom skills of
teachers. It holds regular workshops on teacher education both at the Centre and in
schools. The centre runs programmes for children in creative writing, remedial reading,
thinking skills and learning disability corrections. The centre plans to put up thinking skills
and set up remedial learning centres in schools. Usha is also talking to a University to
collaborate in running a gifted and enquiry based learning programme for teachers.

Usha is the author of the textbook series \"Empowering English” from grades 1 to 8+ and
a writing resource book called ‘Writing with Ease’. The books have a client list of 60 +
schools across the country with some of the best schools in the country using it as their
preferred English text. Cathedral & John Connon the first school to use Empowering
English exclusively 5 years ago, has consistently topped the English ASSETs over 2000
schools for the last 4 years.

Usha is among the few people in India who are creating awareness of giftedness as a
special need for highly intelligent children with parent and teacher workshops. These have
been reported in the press in various cities. She trained on the job in gifted education at
the prestigious George Parkyn Centre in New Zealand and has been a practitioner for the
last 15 years. She runs after-school enrichment programmes in two schools which involves
thinking skills and out-of-the-box creativity for children. These programmes are slated to
happen in more centres in different parts of Mumbai and other cities in the near future.

Usha’s vision is to see education in India transformed from rote-learning, examination-
focused institutions, into dynamic, skills and outcome-based places of learning. Usha
uses her strengths in the areas of curriculum development, teacher training and parent
education to bring this philosophy alive in the schools she works with.

Usha can be contacted at 96670 21954 or on email at


MINDSPRINGS was started in the year 2002 by Usha Pandit to contribute positively to Indian Education, after returning from a decade of teaching abroad in three countries.  Gifted education was unheard of and bright and exceptionally intelligent children were not considered to have any special needs. In Bangalore, talks on awareness to parents and teachers, and a few sessions of enrichment programmes for gifted thinkers kicked off the company’s journey in gifted education.  In 2004, Mindsprings began enrichment programmes for the students of Cathedral & John Connon School, Mumbai and has since been running successful after-school programmes for grades from 2 to 8. The year-old Mindsprings Enrichment Centre at Worli will enable exceptionally bright children from all schools to access these programmes.

Mindsprings began its first consultancy project at Oasis International School, Bangalore in 2002. Concept mapping, curriculum design, teacher training and workshops were done. This was followed by a short consulting stint with SGKM School, Ghatkopar Mumbai in 2006.  In 2004, Usha became the Academic consultant to the Cathedral & John Connon Consultancy and has ushered in spectacular pioneering changes. English, Hindi and History have seen revolutionary changes in the last six years.  Mindsprings has been retained by the Cathedral Vidya School Lonavala to do their school academic audit in 2010.

Mindsprings Publishing was born in the year 2009 in response to the need to publish and market the highly successful English textbook series \"Empowering English” produced in 2007. In 2010, one more winner \"Writing with Ease” was added to the Mindsprings Publishing stable. The books are aimed at demystifying learning and creating empowerment for children. Books in grammar, spelling, poetry and reading are on the anvil.

The first Mindsprings Enrichment Centre at Worli opened in July 2010, where Vidushi Chaudhry, specialising in education for the learning disabled, partners Usha Pandit. Besides enrichment for the gifted, programmes for struggling learners, creative writing, nature club, early bright thinkers, teacher training and parent workshops are being conducted. Usha and Vidushi bring their joint expertise to reach across the two ends of the special needs spectrum and fill in all the creative spaces in between. 



Contact no: 9930043825/ 02224870140


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