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Developing Emotional Intelligence For Stress Free Life - I

19th May 201204:00pm

Everyone  wants  to be  called \"Intelligent\". It  is one  quality   that  perhaps overrides
all others  &  it  has  been tradionally  assumed  that  the intelligent person  will  be 
more  successful and a great achiever than  the  one who  doesnt have   great  intelligence.In  last   few  decades ,behavioral  scientists   have   started  questioning this  assumption.Many  extremelyintelligent  peopleseem get into  more  trouble ,drop  out,create  conflict  and  may  even  make  themselves &  others  around   themmiserable.Then   obviously a  question   comes to mind ..............

 What  makes  Winners different   from  Losers.
 What  makes  Leaders different   from  Followers.
 What  makes  some  people are appreciated ,popular  among  peers  where as some  are avoided ,neglected &  unpopular among    peers.
 What  makes  few  people  getting promoted  year  after  year without  much  intelligence   &  knowledge where as  some  are  highly  intelligent like  toppers in  their  university  get  stuck  in  their routine  job  year  after  year.  

 What  makes a person resilient  and unperturbed  under  trying  circumstances where  as  others react violently or   defending  their  mistakes  to  situations  without  thinking  about  consequences.
  What  makes   some  people  confident  about   their  future  where as  others  are  restless   about   their  future.

 The   bridge  between  all  the great  qualities among  Leaders  and  Winners ,Populars  is  Emotional  Intelligent or    Emotional  Quotient (EQ) . This  talk   will help  you  to  open up  to  a  new  understanding  about  human  relationships ,feelings  and  emotions  to live a  life  stressfree and healthy. 
Main   topics   to  be  covered  are  as  follows :
     1. Self-awareness( Understanding  own  emotions)
     2. Management  of  One\'s  Emtions
     3.Motivation  to  act  and  geting  result
     4.Empathy( Understanding  Others  emotions)
     5.Social  skills

Speaker's Bio

Mr. Shoumya Pattnaikk

Contact No. 9987093770

Shoumya  Swaarup  Patnaikk  is  a  success  Coach  and  Motivational   Speaker   .He  is  a  B.Tech (E & IT)  Engineer    with  MBA (HR & FINANCE) .He  has  total  8.6  yrs  of  experience  in  IT  Field   as  IT  Consultant  and  worked   in  major  MNCs  like  Accenture ,TCS ,Satyam  and Polaris  etc .He  is  a  voracious  reader   ,blogs  regularly  on  personal  success  in  prosperity ,relationship  and  health  matters  ,travels  a  lot  
with  an   open   mind   to learn  something   from  every  encounter  with  life\'s  experiences   which  he  believes  as  a  tool   to  great  success .He  believes  that  there  is  always  a  smart  way  and  hard  way  to  achieve  any  goal  in  life .There is an old  axiom  which  says \"98 % people are history readers and only 2% are history makers \". Common  man i.e  98% people   follow  the  hard  way  where  as  2% i.e  the  history  makers   follow  the  smart  way .If   we  follow  their  footsteps ,obviously , we  can 
achieve the  kind  of  success  we  want .He  conducts  workshop  on  success  mantras  of  successful  people  i.e  Personality  Enhancement  program for  21st  Century   with a  intention  to  eradicate   the  ignorance  in  the  human mind  and   serve  the   society  in  his  own  way.     
All  points  which  will  be  covered   during  his  TALK  at  HELP  Library :
PART  1 :-Personality Enhancement Program(PEP)  For  21st Century ---Introduction
PART 2 :-Personality Enhancement Program(PEP)  For  21st Century
--------Awareness  about   strength and  Weaknesses  of  individual  personality
PART 3 :-Personality Enhancement Program(PEP)  For  21st Century
------How  great  personalities  of  history  had  overcome  their  weaknesses and  became  what   they  are   and  lessons  learnt   from  their  life  stories  and  how   will  it  help  us  to  grow  as  a  successful  individual  in  21st  century .

Other   future  topics  to  be  covered   in   his  TALK   is  as  follows :-
i. How to achieve self-mastery.
ii.How  to  develop  a healthy  personality - A  HEALTH  TALK  on Home  Remedies  of  Ancient  Ayurvedic  system.
iii. How to improve   & Use  EI(Emotional Intelligence) to face day today
workplace stressful situations.
iv. How to be Creative and Solve a problem.
v. How to Overcome inferiority Complex and gain Confidence.
vi. How to manage Anger , Depression & Fear.
vii. How to develop will power and self-control.
viii.How to develop Positive Attitude and Motivate Yourself.
ix.How  to  be  remain  Happy  and  Cheerful  all  the day (HQ)  
x.How to develop an  assertive personality.
xi. How to develop faith and Passion (SQ)


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