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The Self Healing The Self:self-healing Through Faith

9th June 20123.30 pm

Speaker's Bio

Prabha Krishnan

Prabha Krishnan is an independent researcher, interested in issues concerning women, media and health. To this end, she has written extensively and participated in research projects, seminars, protests, workshops etc. Some of her many research activities and publications include : 

An analysis of the projection of women in Indian television published by Sage International under the title: Affirmation and Denial: Construction of Femininity on Indian Television (1990)

\"Idiom of Loss: Ideology of Motherhood in TV serials,\" published in the anthology \"Motherhood in India: glorification without empowerment?\" published by Routledge Taylor Francis Group in 2009

Health Care, Earth Care: Interrogating Health and Health Policy in India, published by Earthcare Books, Mumbai 2000


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