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Introduction To Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test (dmit) And Vedic Maths - Ii

28th June 201204:00pm

Speaker's Bio

Ms Pooja Sheth

Pooja sheth : 9821189436
email id       :

Clinical Activities at Brain-Map:

Counseling for:

•Individuals; Couples, Alternative Relationships; Families, Adolescents

•Modified version for Child and Youth in Time Scheduling.

•Treating Depression in Middle Childhood a community perspective.

•The impact of Stress on Children and Families.

•Dream Analysis in all age group.


Be aware of the different areas in your brain that is under or over emphasized. Understand you Child\'s innate personality and how to apply the right approach in his upbringing.

As a guide in choosing the undergraduate programs or career.Know your staff\'s personality traits which would help you in planning humanresource.

Improve your relationship with people.

Know about your learning stlye, Learning type , Learning mode.

Know about your different quotients(IQ, AQ, EQ, CQ) and ways to develop

intelligence. Know about your TRC(that tells you about multi tasking) and ATD(that tells you

about the grasping power)

 Recommended for:

Toddlers (Age 1 - 4 years)

Children (Age 4 - 12 years)

Teenagers & Young Adults (Age 12 - 25 years)

Adults (Age 25+ years)

Vedic Maths

Vedic Mathematics is the name given to the ancient system of Indian Mathematics which was rediscovered from the Vedas between 1911 and 1918 by Sri Bharati Krsna Tirthaji (1884-1960). According to his research all of mathematics is based on 16 Sutras or word-formulae. For example, \'Vertically and crosswise` is one of these Sutras. These formulae describe the way the mind naturally works and are therefore a great help in directing the student to the appropriate method of solution.

Here, in Vedankam our modules helps to understand the concept where fun and more fun rules with learning process. Student will explore some exciting new ways to feed that budding mind and growing body.
Benefits of Vedankam

  • Speedy and correct calculations
  • Fast and prudent decision making
  • Helps to build confidence and reduces math’s phobia
  • Participant can invent their own methods of calculations and not limited to one correct method. This leads participants to become more creative and intelligent.
  • Enhance mental arithmetic capacity
  • Helps to improve imagination and visualization
  • Increase logical intelligence, logical thinking process gets enhanced


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