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Meaningful Activities For Person With Dementia And Alzheimer's

18th September 201204:00PM

Speaker's Bio

Ms. Amrita Patil

Amrita Patil - Pimpale, Dementia care consultant. 

Amrita, is Independent dementia care researcher for University of Northampton United Kingdom and Lead Trainer, consultant at Echoing Healthy Ageing. She has been project manager of care improvement project in Burlington care home, UK.

Certified Trainer of person centred dementia care from University of Bradford, UK ; Dementia care mapping advance practitioner (an international framework used for training needs analysis, staff development, quality improvement, benchmarking and quality assurance), Best practices dementia care from University of Stirling, Scotland. She has designed, delivered training for care staff (dementia care), NHS nurses in England and has internationally published research papers in dementia care.


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