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Ageing Gracefully With Chronic Disease

16th March 20133.30pm

Speaker's Bio

Mr. Kanu (Harshad) Kamdar

M.Sc. Chemistry (Bombay Uni.), F.S.P.E. (Fellow of the Society of Power Engineers,
Vice President: Prakruti & Save Bombay Committee
Member: Parkinson\'s Disease & Movement Disorder Society
Member Steering Committee of STAR Forum (Skill Training for Advancement of
Rural Societies)
Member: Garden Group Matunga
Director: Rincon India Solution Pvt Ltd an IT Solution Provider Company Ltd.

After retiring from active business in the year 2000, has been working through
voluntary organizations Save Bombay Committee(SBC) and Prakruti for providing
basic electricty supply to the disadvantaged and the deprived in the remote regions
of the country. This can be done by harnessing human power, solar, wind and
other renewable energy sources for spreading knowledge, formal and non-formal
education, teaching skills among growing young population. This is being pursued
by supporting and strengthening the potential of rural educational institutions for
training in emerging technologies. Making soft energy options in diverse forms
available to the most deprived community especially those far removed from the
main stream, such as adivasis, landless workers and disadvantaged as well as to
their institutions like ashram shalas, hostels, angan wadis etc.
Working as SBC volunteer for extending knowledge base and marketable skills
among the disadvantaged through Rural Technical Educations for school students
as well as drop-outs and failed students thrown out from formal educational
The SBC innovated in the year 2007 Pedal Operated Monowheel Electricity
Generating Set for which the World Bank awarded IDM 2007 Prize (India
Development Market-place). The SBC could deliver the gadget to over 150 Ashram
Shalas and farmers.
Also been a keen propagator for
1 Alternative Natural Therapies for the treatment of life threatening
diseases esp Parkinson\'s Disease.
2 Handling waste at source, for improving quality of life in human
3 Working in dry & hot climates like India\'s Structure Cooling through
city farming and roof gardens and or water cooling under roof tops that
increase the life of water proofing and absorb heat for cooling interiors
at a fraction of usual air conditioning costs.
4 Rain water harvesting, waste water recycling, biogas generation


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