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Colour + Aura = Health

9th July 20134.30pm

Colour + Aura = Health

Every creation is of VIBGYOR rays and is enveloped by them. There is not a pin point of space in the universe which is not occupied by these powerful rays.

The purest of the VIBGYOR RAYS RESIDES concentrated in precious GEMS so, the Gems are of great curative value.

The GEMS can be made to yield their valuable colour contents in various ways. They can be burnt and turned into ashes (BHASMA) or may be kept in alcohol for several days which will then turn into powerful GEM medicines.

The SEVEN PLEXILL are the seven power centres in the human body, If they remain healthy with proper nourishment of the ruling planets and cosmic colours, the human body will remain in a DISEASE – FREE state. When the energies of QUARTZ / GEMS are added to our own, a newly combined VIBRATIONAL force is created.

Around the etheric, often extending for several feet, flows the energies of the emotional and mental bodies. These two vibrational fields are called the spiritual bodies. A combination of the etheric and spiritual bodies results in what is known as the human aura. The soul is believed to be contained within this aura. It is both an ancient and universal opinion that this form survives man after death. This soul radiates the colour vibrations of the three bodies, as well as health, and it is believed that observations can be made.

By means of DOWSING we can find out the seat of disease, the extent of colour hunger or deficiency in the patient, about De-arrangement of any of the seven plexii. Sound vibrations can be converted into light. Tibetan had this knowledge in the ancient

times. ANY MANTRA when recited repeatedly becomes dynamic in action and it releases its inherent colours. The same thing is done when the MANTRA is rotated or vibrated at high speed and high frequency. So how we can reach, Color + Aura = Health.

Speaker's Bio

Dr. H. N. Mistry

Dr. H. N. Mistry
D.M.H.M., Ayu. V.V., D.Ac., D.Sc.(Hon.)

Mob No : 9892241890

Consultant of Alternative Medicine:
1. Homeopathy
2. Su Jok (Korean) Miniture Acupressure
3. Moxa and Vacuum Therapy
4. Medical Dowsing

Author :
1. Treasured Ancient Alternative Therapies
2. Power of Homeopathy
3. Spectacular Effects of Homeopathic Combination & Uncommon diagnosis
4. Vibrational Energy and Holistic Healing

OM Shanti Alternative Medicine Research Center International
Affiliated to the Open International University for Complementary Medicines (Colombo)

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