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Mantra Yoga

16th July 20133.30pm

Mantra Yoga

Etymology of  Mantra Yoga !

The etymology of Secret Mantra is as follows. `Secret’ indicates that these methods should be practised dis-creetly. If we make a display of our practices, we will attract many hindrances and negative forces. This would be like someone talking openly and carelessly about a precious jewel they possessed and, as a result, attracting the attention of thieves. `Mantra’ means `protection for the mind’. The function of Secret Mantra is to enable us to progress swiftly through the stages of the spiritual path by protecting our mind against ordinary appearances and ordinary conceptions.

Mind of Clear Light

A direct realization of emptiness with a gross mind does not have the power to overcome the subtle dualistic appearances associated with the minds of white appearance, red increase, and black near-attainment. The only way to abandon these subtle dualistic appearances is to realize emptiness directly with a very subtle mind of clear light. Since the methods for manifesting and using the very subtle mind of clear light are explained only in Secret Mantra, anyone who wishes to attain Absolute Peace, Happiness & success definitely needs to enter this path!

Yoga as it has been inherited in the modern world has its roots in Tantric ritual and in secondary passages (pādas) within Tantric scriptures. The practices of mantra, āsana (seat/pose), sense-withdrawal (pratyāhāra), breath-regulation (prānāyāma), mental (mantric) fixation (dhāranā), meditation (dhyāna), mudrā, the subtle body (sukshma shārīra) with its energy centers (chakras, ādhāras, granthis, etc.) and channels (nādīs), as well as the phenomenon of Kundalinī Shakti are but a few of the tenets that comprise Tantric Yoga. While some of these derive from earlier, pre-Tantric sources, such as the Hindu Upanishads and the Yoga Sūtra, they were greatly expanded upon, ritualized, and philosophically contextualized in these medieval Tantras.

The Mantra practitioner seeks to use prana, an energy that flows through the universe (including one\'s own body) to attain goals that may be spiritual, material or both.

The Mantra Path

Long training is generally required to master Mantric methods, into which pupils are typically initiated by a guru.

Various techniques are used as aids for meditation and for the achievement of spiritual and magical power:

  • Yoga, including breathing techniques and postures (asana), is employed to subject the body to the control of the will;
  • Mudras, or gestures;
  • Mantras or syllables, words and phrases;
  • Mandalas;
  • Yantras, symbolic diagrams of the forces at work in the universe;
  • Identification with deities.These are the few things to be discussed in this short workshop. It is purely introductory.

Speaker's Bio

Mr. Sarvaanand Nath

Sarvaanand Nath has been into Mantra science for the past 15 years and is a Yoga teacher by profession. Aim of revealing the science of Mantra is to heal,Help the society to come out of blockage of various kinds. Mantras are secretly guarded by the gurus as it is open to misuse. Selected Mantras can be discussed in the open with Gurus permission,that is what He is doing. Most easiest way to overcome all the troubles of life is to surrender to the Godhead with Mantra Chants !!!


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