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Tension – Attention And Remedy Using Essential Oils

12th November 20134.30pm


Mo. No. +9892241890

12th Nov 2013


OM SHANTI………We know so many names of Deity in India but devotee reaching to ONLY ONE SUPEREME POWER.

We are having so many flowers with different colours, aroma, characteristics that is also available in particular season and area or in country.

Through history we come to know that Kings and Queens use to take aroma bath in swimming pool for relaxation, health, pleasure.

Now a days people are familiar with NAME of Aromatherapy ie, ESSENTIAL OILS.

Aromatherapy is a unique branch of herbal medicine that utilizes the medicinal properties found in the essential oils of various plants. Through a process of steam distillation or cold –pressing, the volatile constituents of the plant’s oil (its essence) are extracted from its fiowers, leaves, branches or roots.

Aromatherapy as the name suggests is therapeutic treatment with aromatic essential oils. It’s a form of complementary medicine. Like Herbalism and Ayurveda, Aromatherapy draws on the healing powers of the plant world. Herein, instead of using the whole or part of a plant, it employs only it’s essential oils.

By employing different methods of applications, aromatherapy can thus be used to deal effectively with a wide range of common conditions, including emotional problems, respiratory disorders, muscular problems- aches, pains, arthritis etc.

CHAMOMILE : Ideal for children.

EUCALYPTUS : Improves breathing , Relieve muscular and arthritis pains.

LAVENDER : Relaxation

PEPPERMINT : Improves breathing

ROSE : Relaxation


* Body Massage

* Sound and sweet sleep

* Bodyache

* Stomach ache

* Purification of environment

* Preventive aspects for health

Speaker's Bio

Dr. H. N. Mistry

Dr. H. N. Mistry
D.M.H.M., Ayu. V.V., D.Ac., D.Sc.(Hon.)

Mob No : 9892241890

Consultant of Alternative Medicine:
1. Homeopathy
2. Su Jok (Korean) Miniture Acupressure
3. Moxa and Vacuum Therapy
4. Medical Dowsing

Author :
1. Treasured Ancient Alternative Therapies
2. Power of Homeopathy
3. Spectacular Effects of Homeopathic Combination & Uncommon diagnosis
4. Vibrational Energy and Holistic Healing

OM Shanti Alternative Medicine Research Center International
Affiliated to the Open International University for Complementary Medicines (Colombo)

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