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Benefits Of Acupuncture

13th December 20133.30pm

Speaker's Bio

Dr. H. N. Mistry

Dr. H. N. Mistry
D.M.H.M., Ayu. V.V., D.Ac., D.Sc.(Hon.)

Mob No : 9892241890

Consultant of Alternative Medicine:
1. Homeopathy
2. Su Jok (Korean) Miniture Acupressure
3. Moxa and Vacuum Therapy
4. Medical Dowsing

Author :
1. Treasured Ancient Alternative Therapies
2. Power of Homeopathy
3. Spectacular Effects of Homeopathic Combination & Uncommon diagnosis
4. Vibrational Energy and Holistic Healing

OM Shanti Alternative Medicine Research Center International
Affiliated to the Open International University for Complementary Medicines (Colombo)

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