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Life Cycles And Astrology

11th January 20143.30 pm


Speaker's Bio

Mrs. Ketayun Bana


Ketayun got interested in astrology in 1972 after a debate with her uncle who pointed out that any argument against a subject should be based on knowledge about that subject. He was studying it and she was teasing him for studying it.

She decided to seriously start studying Natal astrology and Synastry (the astrology of relationships) in 1976 and began to teach herself by working through many tomes of Alan Leo, Rapheal, Benoit, Dane Rudhyar and Frawley. Because Tropical or Western astrology had a lot more of printed material on hand, compared to Sidereal or Vedic astrology at the time, she studied the Tropical system.

The toughest part of learning how to read a chart was first learning how to cast it. Armed with an Ephemeris, a Table of Houses and diurnal Logarithms, she figured out how to draw charts in a very elaborate and convoluted way which nonetheless turned out to be extremely accurate.  (She now believes that the horoscope applications available on the internet are the best inventions since sliced bread.)

She learnt Evolutionary or Esoteric astrology in Canada from 1988 to 1991 and while there, she lectured on subjects such as Mars and violence, Jupiter and Saturn Transits, Pluto and transformation as a part of on-going seminars given by professional astrologers. She assisted her teacher, Helga, in astrological research by casting and tabulating horoscopes which made her interested more in the theoretical aspects of astrology than in predictive astrology.

This will be the first time that she is giving a talk on astrological basics.


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