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How To Improve Chances Of Delivering A Healthy Baby - Antenatal Diagnostic And Implications

27th May 20143.30 PM

             The\r\nadvent of Ultrasonography and well trained Sonologists have paved the way for\r\nearly diagnosis of many structural defects in a fetus of a pregnant lady. The\r\ndiagnosis can be made as early as 3rd month of pregnancy. Depending\r\nupon the age of diagnosis, the severity of the deformity and the prognostic\r\noutlook known for that particular defect, the parents to be can be given\r\noptions that may range from continuing pregnancy to term and having a normal\r\ndelivery, to early induction of labor for early delivery of the child followed\r\nby therapy, at times, Cesarian Section for delivery of a child with a major\r\nanomaly and in certain case with poor prognosis even a termination of the\r\npregnancy. A common belief among laypeople is that Ultrasonography is conducted\r\nearly only to know the sex of the child and nothing else. This is far from the\r\ntruth and I shall be showing you actual patients who I have operated upon soon\r\nafter birth to correct major deformities. I shall also touch upon the\r\nimplications and results of this early diagnosis and close follow up soon after\r\nbirth that improve the chances of less mortality, morbidity and survival.


            \r\nThe defects picked up can be from all systems like the urinary system,\r\nthe gastro intestinal system, the thoracic \r\nsystem, cardiac, limb and muscle anomalies. I would like to make people\r\naware of the advantages of a regular follow up during pregnancy , counseling at\r\neach step and proper follow up and therapy post delivery of the newborn.  I have already talked about the types of\r\nsurgeries in the newborn that I am doing regularly and how this additional\r\ninvestigation can help me to help give a better quality of life to newborns thanks\r\nto the previous knowledge of what I am likely to face after the child is born\r\nand be prepared for the same.


            I shall also be telling you about the\r\nadvances in other parts of the world about Fetal Surgery and the reasoning ,\r\nthinking and advanced technology therein. 

Speaker's Bio

Dr. Vivek Rege

Dr.Vivek Rege.
Pediatric Surgeon & Pediatric Urologist
Antenatal Anomaly Counselor
Saifee Hospital
Fortis Hospital
Nucleus Center, Worli
Nova Specialty Surgery
Mobile: +919821052680/+919869268680


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