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Graphology & Numerology – The Sciences

21st June 20143.30 PM

The topic selected is - Graphology and Numerology - The Sciences 

Here is the content for the free talk:

Come, delve into the depths of the Sub-conscious - the most powerful tool that you have - Your MIND!
FREE Introductory Seminar on – Graphology and Numerology – The Sciences 
-- to understand people better. To connect to them better and to communicate with them better!! Most of all, to understand yourself, to connect with yourself and to have a deeper communication with yourself.

- What is Graphology?!
- The connection of your handwriting to your thoughts.
- How a change in handwriting can bring about a positive change in thoughts. 
- Why you should learn to analyze handwritings? Some benefits.

- Numerology – an age old practice!
- How numbers influence us?
- What is the importance of your D.O.B and the number of your name?
- Some benefits of Numerology.

I will be doing three FREE READINGS with Numerology and Graphology for the attendees. 
This is a free, open to all event. Please feel free to bring your friends and guests along.
For more details, queries, etc. kindly contact: 
Kanchan RK Sharma +91 7798324613

Speaker's Bio

Ms. Kanchan R. K. Sharma


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