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The Challenge Of Finding The True Causes Of Disease

2nd August 20143.30 PM

Speaker's Bio

Mr Sunny Dasgupta

Sunny Dasgupta has been a student of Dr. Pillai for the past 9 years and has studied very closely with him. He has personally trained and supported the growth of over 1300 students. Trained in advanced forms of meditation, he has an in-depth understanding of the Human mind and how it affects the body. His presentations are very practical, result oriented and grounded in both brain science and esoteric wisdom of meditative traditions. He is also the Chief Organizer of Aishwarya Yoga and Phomemic Intelligence in Mumbai.  Dr. Pillai,lovingly called as Babaji is a Tamil Siddha Master based in the United States. He is neither a dry academic scholar nor a traditional holy man. He recommends 200% Life - 100% Spiritual and 100% Material, as a balanced model of a holistic approach to life. Nevertheless, his work primarily is mystical, creating miracles in the lives of his students. Students of all faiths and cultures come to him for personal, financial, health and relationship miracles.   For knowing more about the miracles of Babaji, see the website  For his scientific approach to miracles and mysticism, see the website


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