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Astrology For Good Health – The Yin Yang Conundrum

31st October 20143.30 pm

Ancient Wisdom gives us diamonds covered in dirt , dust and debris . We take the diamonds and discard the rest . Diamonds are valuable , but so are the dirt , dust and debris . That is the conundrum .  This is an example of Yin Yang continuum . From the dust come the diamond , from diamond comes the dust . 

The forces of nature , one is active , other is passive . One is seen , the other is unseen . One is short term , other is long term . One is picture , other is the canvas . Come let us explore how these apparently contradictory forces of nature complement each other to create health , happiness and luck .

Speaker's Bio

Mr. Anand Ghurye

Anand Ghuryé is a Holistic Management Consultant and Life Coach .  Ancient Wisdom For Modern Problems is his area of research . Small Change brings in Big Difference is his conviction borne out by practical experience .    He  has graduate qualifications in Mechanical Engineering and Post graduate qualifications in Economics and Political Sciences . He has worked in variety of technical and managerial positions in varied industries before getting drawn to the study of Ancient Wisdom . He carries out counselling based on Ancient Wisdom in areas of Personal Effectiveness , Life Coaching , Relationship  Counselling ,  Sports Counselling and Career Counselling .  Ancient Wisdom is a bottomless sea , even the surface of which has not been explored yet . The study itself is engulfed in myths , half baked  theories , misplaced beliefs , outdated rituals and misinterpretations . But below this faade lies astonishing wisdom of the rishis . The wisdom that surpasses emotional , mental and physical barriers and guarantees success and satisfaction for each and every one . Interestingly ,  to understand the Ancient Wisdom one has to take help of Modern Knowledge .  Come, let us apply the Ancient Wisdom and make our lives meaningful ! Mobile no. 9820489416


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