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You Have To Become A Question Itself Before You Start Receiving An Answer

6th December 20143.30 pm

As the Suffi mystic famously said, "Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment” he expressed repeatedly the importance of forgetting all that we have been traditionally taught and remaining bewildered immerse in the search even personifying it. Ideally one should start over each time with a clean slate and be carried away by the moment; learning new lessons while unlearning old ones.Insecurities and bad experiences encourage us to mistrust everything and try to get the invisible truth. It is vicious circle, the more lies and corruption we see around us the more we are to distrust. Allow doubts to raise their head only if you have reason to nurture them.Cultivate belief and faith in others you invite the same back for yourself. One need not understand everything about those you love. If you make a pact to trust and stay happy, you will realize that a lot of clutter and noise will vanish to leave you smiling and peaceful.

Speaker's Bio

Mrs. Reeta Kamble

Contact No. 9768004249


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