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Managing Anxiety

9th December 20143.30 pm

Sheetal participates in school Debate competition. She prepares her speech thoroughly. On the day of debate she can’t recollect anything about her speech. She gets scared when she has to go on stage.
Reema is studying very hard for her annual exams. She prepares everything and on the day of exam when she sees her question paper she can’t recollect what she has studied in the past week and is not able to write anything in her exam.
Soham a college going teenager likes a girl in his college. But whenever he meets her he is unable to express his feelings to her. Thinking the fact that what will be her reply. He is anxious and never expresses his feelings to her.
What is common in above all the three situations?  That they are scared and not able to finish their task. We can label this feeling as Anxiety
 So what is Anxiety?
Anxiety is often described as a feeling of worry, fear. It’s much more than just a feeling. It encompasses feelings or emotions, thoughts and bodily sensations.
So the talk will be about How Anxiety can hamper our daily activities. Also how anxiety develops, Cognitive Behavior Therapy can help you deal with anxiety and techniques to deal with it

Speaker's Bio

Ms. Jai Bapat

Counseling Psychologist


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