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Swimming: A Complete Mind-body-soul Exercise!

27th December 20143.30 pm

Speaker's Bio

Mr. Dharmendra Singh

New-Age Wellness Master & Celebrity Personal Trainer. He is an Internationally Certified Yoga Master from Vivekananda Kendra Yoga Research Foundation, Banglore. Founder of Jal-Yoga {Holistic way of exercise forms through yoga,meditation & swimming in water for attaining longevity & all round health in mind-body & soul,As practised by our ancient Indian Mystic Hatha-Yogis in the holy rivers of Himalayan mountains. An Internationally Certified Fitness Professional from American Council of Exercise. An Internationally Certified Swimming coach. He gives Private & Personal Coaching to Celebs & High Profile People in the field of wellness through his Private Swimming Coaching from hotels in mumbai,And he also conducts Private Yoga Coaching.& Corporate Yoga Workshops. He also conducts special Weekends & Weekly Nature cum Yoga Meditation Residential Retreats in Nainital Himalayas ,Haridwar & in Bangalore. 


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