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Healing Psyche

4th March 2015Short HELP Talk

This is a short HELP Talk held at Health Education Library for People (HELP)

Rob van Overbruggen PhD,  speaks about his book Healing Psyche in a series of 4 short talks.  

This book can save your life !
The book talks about how the mind influences the healing process in Cancer.
There's hard core evidence - Medical and Psychological evidence that mind changes the cancer healing process.
In this video he speaks about having a goal in your life.
This is a story about an 80 year old man who was going through a disease process.
He decided that he would like to plant an apple tree.
Why ?  Fifteen years from now he wanted to have his own apples! 
This is one of the ways to set goals - It brings you forward.
It helps you motivate and look forward to life and makes you happy and helps you to stay healthy.
Goals need not be large - can be small
There are people before contracting a disease lost something in their life - something they were living for - their major reason to live. 
Even if you have lost everything its important, to have a goal in life. 
As long as motivates you go ahead !

For more information visit Rob's website: or email him :

Speaker's Bio

Dr. Rob van Overbruggen


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