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How To Correct The Information Flow In The Body?

27th July 20153.30 pm

Anu Mehta is going to talk about marriage between two powerful systems of healing META-Health and NES Health. Anu Mehta quotes"if we change the faulty information and perceptions then we can learn to earn health back in our life. "She has worked on a three day old baby and many other young children and adults with combination of both the systems and has got amazing results. After doing a very successful talk in Luxembourg on the same topic she will talk about this healing combination on the prestigious stage of  ‘The Health Library’. META-Health helps us to identify the stress that caused a health problem in the human body. META-Health therefore can explain why a symptom is there, what caused that symptom to occur, where the person is within the process and what they will experience next. It also answers why certain symptoms become chronic and why symptoms can sometimes seemingly spread. Knowing the cause of an issue can also bring light on what is the correct therapeutic intervention in order that a person META-Health looks at all the possible solutions to the original biological conflict shock and therefore can offer solutions that affect the Mind, Body, Spirit, Social and Environmental interventions. NES Health leads the world in energy and informational healthcare. NES Health provides a complete healthcare system that restores health at its source. By looking at the physics underlying the biochemical nature of the body, NES Health can now analyze and correct the body's bio-field and information, which, after more than 30 years of scientific research, has been shown to be the master control system for the body's health and functioning. They approach health from the key perspective that energy and information control biology. This frontier science proves that there is a regulating field of energy and information that operates in the physical body at the sub cellular level. They have discovered that the root cause of physical problems and deteriorating health stems from distortions and blockages in the body-field, which serves as a master control system for all physiological function. The Total WellNES System, comprising our full suite of solutions - NES ProVision, NES miHealth, NES Infoceuticals, and NEStrition -  these help in identifying and correcting the distortions, so the body-field and body can more easily and naturally return to optimum function. Anu Mehta will do NES ProVision scan and work with healing gadget mi-Health. NES ProVision helps to (Re)Assess the body in just seconds for a detailed analysis addressing the three critical factors for health — information, energy and physiology. ProVision Advanced Analysis Software allows you to see beyond your client's symptoms to clearly distinguish the distortions in information, any present energy blockages, and recommended nutrition for rebuilding the body.  Using NES ProVision, you will be able to review up to 150 systems and sub-systems of the human body-field, as well as: Energy Analysis: identify energy blockages in the body's musculoskeletal system and energy channels, as well as analyze the strength of the energy produced by various systems and organsInformational Analysis: Identify information distortions in your body’s master control system: the human body-field. Nutritional Analysis: highlight challenges in absorption and metabolic processes and identify sensitivities, malabsorption, and intolerance to certain foods.Environmental Analysis: detect functional damage to the body-field via specific environmental factors, toxins and EMFs and the body's resultant ability to handle their impact when present.Emotional and Mental Analysis: identify core emotions, beliefs, and even challenges in an individual's overall ability to create and actualize in life... that are most prominent or potentially problematic. Also identify past shock and trauma that may still be presenting as conflicts or which are stored in the body-field as tissue, cellular or energetic memory. NES miHealth:Rejuvenate the body’s energy with powerful therapies that clear blockages, release trigger points, and correct energy flow through the body

Speaker's Bio

Dr. Anu Mehta

Anu Mehta is the only Master trainer of a diagnostics tool called META- Health, and a trainer in Information technology called NES-health and  Advanced Clearing Energetics in India today.  She also trains people in  various emotion releasing techniques. Anu Mehta assists in healing people by identifying the stress, which  causes physical illness or psychological illness. Anu believes in  empowering people. According to her real empowerment can only  happen when people identify their stress and then go ahead and make  that CHANGE that is required to have happy and healthy life. The only  person who can make that change is YOU. She always says "Don�t give  up, just give yourself permission to set yourself free from the chains that  are holding you down and making you cry�. So go ahead and make that one change today that can make you feel happy and complete.  Ph.: 9930898116


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