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Transformational Harmonics

23rd October 20153.30 pm

What is health?...What does that mean? Absence of pain? No change in the capacity of work? Whatever that means to you, the things shared in this hour are some techniques, technologies, and processes which assist anyone….from what and who we think we are to that which we truly are. That, I believe, is REAL health. The discussion of the use of bio-feedback, flower essences, and a touch healing technique for deep personal transformation. It’s all about vibration!

Speaker's Bio

Ms. Ariana Gossfeld

Ariana Gossfeld, from California, has a strong back ground for working with frequencies.  Born into a musical family, she began singing almost from the cradle, and playing the piano at age 3.  Later, her interests and talent took her into the world of Opera and Ballet.  Performing was her life for many years.  In 1986, events brought her into the world of healing.  Originally she used her voice doing healing on the body by projecting sound into the client.  Later, the decision was made to send the energy thru the hands instead. What followed was 12 years of body work and study of multiple modalities of massage, hands-on-healing, cranial-sacral, etc. She was introduced to Flower Essences by a fully enlightened mystic who has now been her teacher for more than 20 years.  The blessing of flowers changed everything. The process of learning to use them with her clients has been an ongoing "class� since 1992.

Many people have asked her to share her knowledge of the techniques she uses successfully in her practice.  In India, there is a strong interest primarily in three of the modalities.  Flower Essences are a fabulous tool for balancing emotional issues by addressing the thought patterns which are always at the root of most of our problems.  A very simple but profound light touch healing system called Tri-Om BioMagnetics is another technique which requires no background in health, healing, or science.  The only requirement is the desire to help another being and the willingness to touch. The third modality is a series of nine energetic initiations called Munay-Ki.  These very practical and powerful energetic processes plant "seeds� of higher transformational information into the Luminous Energy Field of the recipient. This process brings profound transformation on all levels to the person and their entire lineage both ancestral and future generations.


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