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Effect Of Media On Children’s Health

22nd January 20163.30 pm

In a matter of seconds, most children can mimic a movie or TV character, 
sing an advertising jingle, or give other examples of what they have learned 
from media. Sadly, these examples may include naming a popular brand of 
beer, eating junk, obsessive-compulsive buying, striking a "sexy” pose, or play fighting. Children only have to put a movie into the VCR, open a magazine, click on a Web site, or watch TV to experience all kinds of messages. It really is that easy.

Media offer entertainment, culture, news, sports, and education. They are an important part of our lives and have much to teach. But some of what they 
teach may not be what we want children to learn.

This lecture gives an overview of some of the messages media send young people that could be negative or harmful to their health. You will learn how you can teach your children to better understand the media messages they see and hear in print, over airwaves, on networks, or on-line and how to deal with it.

Speaker's Bio

Dr. Forum Shah


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