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Health Secrets To Light 100th Candle

16th November 20163.30 pm

Speaker's Bio

Cap. Ashok Shinde

Commander Shinde was one of the few submariners who was trained n Erst while Soviet Union. He commissioned (Part of crew of newly launched submarine) 3 submarines. He fought INDO-PAK War of 1971 on both the fronts, East Pakistan (Bangladesh) and West Pakistan and was awarded 3 medals. He has traveled practically all major cities of the world and lived in few countries on Govt assignments and personal reason. 
After leaving Navy prematurely served in Mumbai Port trust as Harbor Pilot and was consultant in many ports including Mundra in Gujarat. He handled biggest cruise, contained ships in the world and interacted with several nationalities. Interpreter in Russian language.
His interest in Naturopathy, living healthy with least, preferably no medication inspired him to carry out research in this field. He is member of many international well known health institutes on their web sites and keeps abreast of latest information, research done by doctors with MD/PhD degree. D-901 Jal Vayu Vihar, Sector A,Hiranandani GardenPowai, Mumbai-400076.
Mobile No. 932225797


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