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Learn Brain Friendly Memory Techniques

16th December 2016

Learn to remember almost anything with easy "practical”
Learn "Pari Method”
Learn "Flexible Digits Method”
Learn to use the Flexible Digits Method for Normal &/OR Binary Digits & questions and answers

Speaker's Bio

Mr. Naresh Parikh

Mr. Naresh Parikhis the CMO of "Silicon Leaf Corporation” since 2012. His son Rushabh Parikh(B.Tech, Computer Science & Engineering) is the Founder of Silicon Leaf Corporation. Mr. Naresh Parikh started his Brain related training this year and became a Certified Memory Trainer by September 2016, in a short span of about a month. In October 2016, he correctly memorized 800 digits of pi. He wishes to help the society, including the Senior Citizens, whoever face issues of forgetting things.  
Mobile No. 7498122956 9327348645


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