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Space – Time - Motion’ - An Untrodden Path To Health

27th December 2016

This is a paradigm developed by Dr. S. N. Bhavsar from Pune. It is a combination of the principles of Yoga, Ayurveda and Physics. In the course of the lecture the application of these terms to the external world and to the human body will be shown. How one can use this knowledge in order to be healthy or as a therapy will also be explained with examples. Some changes in the life style are also suggested. The therapy can be curative, supplementary or rehabilitative, depending on the nature of the disease.   Physical as well as breathing exercises are also suggested. The logic behind rotations and backward walk will be explained during the lecture.

Speaker's Bio

Prof. Veena Londe

Dr. (Smt.) Veena A. Londhe At present appointed as an Honorary Professor in the Department of Sanskrit, University of Mumbai. Retired as Prof. of Sanskrit from Nalanda Nritya Kala Mahavidyalaya, Affiliated to University of Mumbai after 30 years of service. Yoga teacher for more than three decades. Kaivalyadham - Recognized as a Visiting Faculty for Teachers’ Training course in Yoga. Completed two Minor Research Projects of UGC 1 "Svara as a unifying concept in Indian Tradition.” 2 "Relevance and Application of Yoga and Ayurveda to Indian Classical Dance”

Co-author of Handbook of Indian Classical Dance Terminology Editor of three books 1.Arogyachi Gurukilli : Disha, Kala, Gati ( Marathi) 2.Space-Time- Motion : An Untrodden Path To Health

3.Shivasvarodaya : Prana Vidya The Science of sciences

Has presented papers at National and International seminars Few Articles are published in Books/ Magazines

Residency at Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville (SIUE ) USA at the Dance Department at SIUE on Theory of Indian Dance and Yoga for Dancers

Mobile No. 02240112026


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