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Bio Individuality : Why Do Diets Fail

19th August 20173.30 pm



Why do diets fail ?



One mans food can be another mans poison!Nor ourfingerprints the same either .

Then how can one diet fit all?Have you ever wondered why most diets fail ?They are not tailor made neither personalized for individually forclients. There is biodiversity in everything .We too are all bio-individuals, & are different from each other . How can one diets fit all ?Bio-individuality is a clinical application of nutrition intervention based on the individual requirements &tolerances. If correctly treated Bio-individually ,Bio-individuality will reignite the passion in your world of health &wellness. This effect will generalize across the board in your entire life. It will help YOU be YOU, make you speak & listen more effectively. Distinguish you from the rest! That’s the power of being Bio-individual , knowing it , owning it & living it .

Speaker's Bio

Ms. Payal Kothari

Contact No. 9819485159


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