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1st July 20193:30pm

Speaker's Bio

Dr. Kishore Punjabi

Contact no. 9821330400 Naturopath, Healer and Chiropractic therapist


Dr Kishore Punjabi is a seasoned Naturopath, Chiropractor and Healer practicing passionately for over 25 years, reveling in treating his patients holistically applying the simple laws of nature and health, thereby bringing wellness, fitness into fatigued muscles and relief to painful joints. His deep interest in nature cure led him to Dr M L Kapoor, under whom he studied and mastered the art of Chiropractic therapy and then studied Naturopathy formally.   All musculoskeletal problems from Slipped Disc, Frozen shoulder, Tennis Elbow, Sciatica, Arthritis, Migraine, Neuralgia, Fibromalgia to Autoimmune diseases  are addressed in a catalytic environment of joy, fun and laughter. The 360° healing and recovery happens by working on head,  heart,  and soul through strengthening and transforming the individual’s 5R’s -Source of health : Relationships, Roles, Routines, Responsibility and Realisation. Dr Punjabi’s therapy focuses on overall well being, increasing immunity of the patient through improved blood circulation and purification. The technique is completely natural with no prescription of any oral medicine. It includes manipulative techniques, nature endowed kitchen remedies,  diet, yogic exercises, pranayam and meditation.


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