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Speak Up

13th February 20203.30pm

With my new venture SPEAK UP my mission is to touch millions of lives across the globe thorough Creating platforms, tools and systems with the help of which all individuals explore and Experience the immense and immeasurable powers of Speak Up and Transcend their past and emotional challenges and health issues effortlessly, and can connect and align with their true inner authentic self, find fullest Expression to their innate greatness and gifts and create a life filled with health, Harmony, happiness and abundance...

Speaker's Bio

Ms. Mala Mansukhani

Email ID: Contact Number: 8928447375

Mala Mansukhani is an Inspirational Speaker, a philanthropist, a fashion designer, a model at age 60 and the founder of grow younger, a unique and Visonary organisation solely committed to bring health, vitality and wellbeing in lives of women above the age of 50years. And through her organisation and her speeches and Seminars she has touched and transformed lives of thousands and thousands of women across the country.

Her inspiring and impactful initiatives and her Contribution towards the growth, empowerment, health and well-being of elderly women has been featured in prominent newspapers, magazines, television and radio channels.

Even at the age of 60 she continues to walk the ramp to promote fitness among women of her age group, runs marathon and climbs top Mountain peaks.

She is also the chairperson of women empowerment welfare committee, a GIAA 2018 awardee and is recognised as a fitness icon and woman of substance by the mind body and soul foundation and she says that if she is able to do all this, which seems to be impossible for most people at 60, a huge credit goes to a skill, a tool which she discovered and developed during her immensely challenging years, which helped her overcome all challenges in her life and live life to its fullest..and that is SPEAK UP

After the death of her husband, mala faced massive challenges and setbacks in her life, emotionally, physically, and financially. She was left all alone and in deep financial crisis and had to pay massive debts, she didn't know how she'll overcome all of it in this life.

During this tough phase, Mala explored the Transformative power of speaking up and as she tapped more and more into the therepeutic, healing and liberating powers of speaking up for herself and letting out all her deep buried feelings and emotions in their absolute totality, without any fear inhibitions or distortion, a totally new level of energy awakend within her making her gain more clarity and higher perception about her own self and about the life around her. Her health, her levels of inner joy, happiness and peace grew exponentially, her sorrow and grief of the past lost grip over her mind and emotions and not just that, she overcame her debts, started her own profitable ventures and non profit organizations and started to inspire, touch and Transform lives of others people especially women facing difficult times in their lives and today her work has touched thousands and thousands of lives and has brought miraculous Transformations and healings in their lives and all this Mala did using her most powerful tool and her life message too and that is SPEAK UP...

With her new venture SPEAK UP her mission is to touch millions of lives across the globe thorough Creating platforms, tools and systems with the help of which all individuals explore and Experience the immense and immeasurable powers of Speak Up and Transcend their past and emotional challenges and health issues effortlessly, and can connect and align with their true inner authentic self, find fullest Expression to their innate greatness and gifts and create a life filled with health, Harmony, happiness and abundance...

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