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Infertility Is Not A Curse - The Art & Science Of Making Babies

21st February 20094.00pm

Dr. Aniruddha Malpani

Educational Qualifications

1986 M.D. Bombay University. This is a postgraduate degree in Gynecology, and is the equivalent of being Board Certified. Further training in IVF from UCSF, San Francisco, USA.
1987 D.N.B. National Board of Examinations, New Delhi

I have also studied at Harvard, Johns Hopkins and Yale; which is why I know exactly how the US medical system works ( and why it's broken !)

Educational Distinctions, Honours, Prizes

First on the Merit List for entrance to a Medical College in Bombay. Won the Bai Gangabai Sunderdas Scholarship for 1978-79.
Awarded the National Talent Scholarship from the National Council of Educational Research and Training, New Delhi, from 1978 to 1983.
Won the Dorab Tata Special Merit Prize from the Sir Dorabji Tata Trust, Bombay.
Awarded the Dr Shirwalker General Proficiency Scholarship for Human Anatomy and Physiology at College Competitive Examination, 1979-1980.
Secured Distinction in Anatomy; and Physiology in the First M.B.,B.S. Examination. Highest Marks in Anatomy in Bombay University.
Received the Chaturbhaj Sunderdas Scholarship for the highest marks in Anatomy, 1979.
Won the Dr Shirwalkar Second Prize in Surgery in College Competitive Examination, 1980.
Won the First Prize in the Leprosy Essay Competition in Bombay, organised by the Ackworth Leprosy Society.
Won the Dowager Lady Patkar Gold Medal for securing the highest marks on the grand total at the Final M.B., B.S. Examination in Bombay University, 1982.
Won the Motiben Dalvi Gold Medal for securing the highest marks on the grand total at the Final M.B., B.S. Examination in Bombay University, 1982.
Won the Dr R S Poredi Gold Medal for the highest marks in Medicine in Bombay University, 1982.
Won the Dr Vishnu Juvekar Prize for the highest marks in Medicine in Bombay University, 1982.
Won the Shri Kund Bhalja Prize for Medicine, for the highest marks in Medicine in Bombay University, 1982.
Won the Dr P F Soonawala Prize for the highest marks in Medicine in Bombay University, 1982.
Won the Dr Keikhushroo Kanga Scholarship for the highest marks in Medicine in Bombay University, 1982.
Won the Pandit Dube Scholarship for the highest marks in Medicine in Bombay University, 1982.
Won the Dr Ganesh Kurulkar Prize for the highest marks on the aggregate in Bombay University, 1982.
Won the Sohrab Hakim Memorial Prize for standing first in competitive examination in Ophthalmology in K.E.M. Hospital,1982.
Won the Dr N A Purandare Prize for standing first in the competitive examination in Gynecology and Obstetrics in K.E.M. Hospital, 1982.
Won the Mrs Desa Memorial Prize for standing first in Gynecology and Obstetrics at the Final M.B.B.S. Examination in K.E.M. Hospital, 1982.
Won the Krishnaji Datey Prize for standing first in Medicine at the Final M.B.,B.S. Examination in K.E.M. Hospital, 1982.
Won the H.H. Sir Limbdi Prize for getting the highest number of aggregate marks in the Final M.B.,B.S. Examination, in K.E.M. Hospital, 1982.
Selected for the Indian Council for Medical Research ( ICMR ) Talent Search Scheme Fellowship in the All-India Competitive Examination held in 1985.
Won the Dr Adi Dastur Prize of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Bombay for the highest marks in Clinical. Subjects in the D.G.O. Examination, 1986.
Won the Dr B N Purandare Prize of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Bombay for the highest marks in the D.G.O. Examination, 1986.
Won the Dr R D Pandit Research Prize awarded by the Federation of Obstetric and Gynecologic Societies of India for the best Thesis in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1986.
Awarded the Bombay Obstetric and Gynecologic Society M Shah. Traveling Fellowship for 1988-89, to observe advanced work in obstetrics and gynecology in Indian centres.
Awarded the Federation of Obstetric and Gynecologic. Societies of India Ethicon Travelling Fellowship to observe advanced work in obstetrics and gynecology in Indian centers, 1989.


Measurement of cervical dilatation.
Letter to the Editor. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Vol 151, pp 147, 1985.
Pins for the neurologic examination.
Letter to the Editor. New England Journal of Medicine.
Vol 315, pp 1618, 1986.
The effect of calcium antagonists on uterine contractions.
The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of India.
Vol 38, pp 15-17. 1988.
Second trimester abortion with ethacridine lactate plus carboprost-- which is the best time to administer the carboprost?
Adv Contracept (1988 Jun) 4(2):151-7
Vaginal hysterectomy for high-risk patients under local anaesthesia.
J Gynec Surgery 8: 65-67, 1992.
Vaginal hysterectomy for the management of menstruation in mentally retarded women.
International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics.
1991, 35 (8): 319 - 321.
Routine prophylactic oophorectomy at the time of vaginal hysterectomy in postmenopausal women.
Arch Gynecol Obstet (1992) 251(2):87-91
Obstetric Ultrasound Database System.
Computers in Biology and Medicine. 1991.
New technique for managing second trimester intrauterine fetal death.
Int J Gynaecol Obstet (1989 Mar) 28(3):295-7
Maternal effect proteins.
Letter to the Editor. Fertility Sterility. 55: 847, 1991.
Wasted Disposable Medical Materials.
Letter to the Editor. New England Journal of Medicine. 325: 739
Sperm Cryobanking for Therapeutic Insemination by Donor.
Bombay Hospital Journal. 32: 76-79, 1990.
Simplifying Assisted Conception Techniques to Make Them Universally Available - a view from India.
Human Reproduction. Vol 7, N 2. 1992, pp 49-50.
Office Techniques for Sperm Processing to Enhance Male Fertility.
Bombay Hospital Journal. Aug 1990.
Guest Editor, Invited to edit special issue of Bombay Hospital Journal on Infertility. April 1993.
Testicular sperm extraction with ICSI  as rescue treatment for severe male infertility.
Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of India.
TSEICSI - The end of male infertility?
Internet Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Sperm Cryobanking for AID.
Invited article. Biomed. Oct-Nov 1993. pp 42-45.
A New Technique to End Male Infertility.
Invited article. Biomed. Jul-Aug 1996.pp 68-69.
Sperm Cryopreservation for Sperm Banking.
Invited to author this Chapter in the book, Infertility Update, published by the Federation of Obstetric and Gynecologic Societies of India, Dec 1994.
Making IVF Affordable.
Medicine Digest. October 1993. pp 9 - 14.
How the Family Physician can Help the Infertile Couple.
Family Physician's Digest. April-May 1994. pp 29-35.
Active Management of Infertility.
Bombay Hospital Journal. Vol 35 Number 2. April 1993. pp 11-12.
Ultrasound guided procedures for treating infertility.
Bombay Hospital Journal. Vol 35 Number 2. April 1993. pp 67-70.
How the GP can help the infertile couple.
Bombay Hospital Journal. Vol 35 Number 2. April 1993. pp 164-165.
Retrieval of epididymal sperm.
Fertil Steril (1996 Feb) 65(2):448
Microinjection using Testicular Sperm - A new Treatment Option for treating Azoospermic men.
Indian Journal of Urology. ( Sept 1997) 14: 45-47.
Correlation between testicular histology and outcome after intracytoplasmic sperm injection using testicular spermatozoa
Hum Reprod (1996 Nov) 11(11):2567 Why should a doctor have his own website?
J Postgrad Med. 2001 Jan-Mar;47(1):40-1.
HELP - the Health Education Library for People, India's first Consumer Health Education Resource Centre.
Health Expect. 1999 Mar;2(1):71-72.
Health library in India works to empower patients.
BMJ. 1999 Sep 18;319(7212):785.
Putting new drugs to good use.
Hum Reprod. 1999 Feb;14(2):572.
Inappropriate use of new technology: impact on women's health.
Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 1997 Jul;58(1):159-65.

Invited by the Obstetric and Gynecologic Societies of Gwalior, Indore, Surat, Bombay, to give talks on Infertility.
Invited by Bombay Obstetrics and Gynecologic Society to give Plenary Guest Lecture on Cryopreservation in Assisted Reproductive Technology in the Bombay Ob/Gyn Society
Annual Conference, 1995.
Invited to present Workshop on Promoting Patient Choice - An International Perspective, organised by the King's Fund at an International Conference on Promoting Patient Choice held in London in October 1997.
Invited to give a lecture at a CME (Continuing Medical Education) Workshop at the ICARM '97 (International Conference on Advances in Reproductive Medicine) in Calcutta.
Books Authored

How to Have a Baby - A Guide for the Infertile Couple.
UBS Publishers, India.

How to Have a Baby - A Guide for the Infertile Couple.
Marathi edition, Popular Prakashan, India.

How to Have a Baby - A Guide for the Infertile Couple.
Gujarati edition. India.

How to Have a Baby - A Guide for the Infertile Couple.
Hindi edition, Bharati Vidya Bhavan, India.

How to Get the Best Medical Care - A Guide for the Intelligent Patient.
UBS Publishers, India.

How to Find the Best Doctor.
UBS Publishers, India.

Dr. Anjali Malpani

Educational Qualifications

1986 D.G.O. College of Bombay.
Physicians and Surgeons
1986 M.D. Bombay University.
This is a postgraduate degree in Gynecology, and is the equivalent of being Board Certified. Did further training in IVF at King's College Hospital, London, on a R D Sethna Scholarship

I have also studied at Harvard, Johns Hopkins and Yale; which is why I know exactly how the US medical system works ( and often does not work !)

Educational Distinctions, Honours, Prizes

Secured a Rank in the Merit List in the Secondary School Certificate Examination in Maharashtra State, 1976.
Awarded a National Scholarship from the Ministry of Educational and Social Welfare, Govt of India, 1977
Secured a Rank in the Merit List in the Higher Secondary Certificate Examination in Maharashtra, 1978.
Awarded Open Merit Scholarship by the Maharashtra Board for 1976, 1977, 1978.
Secured Distinction in Human Anatomy in First M.B.,B.S. Exam, Bombay University, 1979.
Secured Distinction in Community Medicine in Second M.B.,B.S. Exam, Bombay University, 1981.
Won Second Prize in the Leprosy Essay Competition in Bombay, organised by the Ackworth Leprosy Society, 1982.
Won the Awabai Ratanshaw Dadabhoy Scholarship for standing first in Obstetrics and Gynecology in the College Competitive Examination, 1982.
Awarded the Dr Menino de Souza & Medical Welfare Trust Prize for the Best All-round Student of Seth G.S. Medical College, 1983.
Awarded the Ramabai Nowrungay Travelling Fellowship by the Bombay University in 1989, for further specialised training abroad in Gynecology.
Was a fellow at the IVF Dept of the King's College Hospital, London, UK


The effect of calcium anatagonists on uterine contractions.
The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of India. Vol 38, pp 15-17. 1988.
New technic for managing second trimester intrauterine fetal death.
International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Second trimester abortion with ethacridine lactate plus carboprost- which is the best time to administer the carboprost?
Advances in Contraception.
A comparison of two prostaglandin analogues in combination with ethacridine lactate for second trimester abortion.
Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of India.
Ethacridine lactate plus sulprostone for second trimester abortions- an intrauterine pressure monitoring study.
Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of India.
Sperm Cryobanking for Therapeutic Insemination by Donor.
Bombay Hospital Journal, 32: 76-79, 1990.
Office Techniques for Sperm Processing to Enhance Male Fertility.
Bombay Hospital Journal. Aug 1990.
Simplifying Assisted Conception Techniques to make them Universally available - a view from India.
Accepted for publication. Human Reproduction. Vol 7, N 2 ( 1992) pp 49-50.
Invited as a Guest Editor to edit Special Issue on Infertility of the Bombay Hospital Journal. April 1993.
Sperm Cryobanking for AID.
Invited article. Biomed. Oct-Nov 1993. pp 42-45.
A New Technique to End Male Infertility.
Invited article. Biomed. Jul-Aug 1996.pp 68-69.
Sperm Cryopreservation for Sperm Banking.
Invited to author this Chapter in the book, Infertility Update, published by the Federation of Obstetric and Gynecologic Societies of India, Dec 1994.
Making IVF Affordable.
Medicine Digest. October 1993. pp Published in the UK.
How the Family Physician can Help the Infertile Couple.
Integrral Physician's Digest. April-May 1994. pp 29-35.
Active Management of Infertility.
Bombay Hospital Journal. Vol 35 Number 2. April 1993. pp 11-12.
Ultrasound guided procedures for treating infertility.
Bombay Hospital Journal.
Vol 35 Number 2. April 1993. pp 67-70.
How the GP can help the infertile couple.
Bombay Hospital Journal.
Vol 35 Number 2. April 1993. pp 164-165.
Retrieval of epididymal sperm.
Fertil Steril (1996 Feb) 65(2):448
Microinjection using Testicular Sperm - A new Treatment Option for treating Azoospermic men.
Indian Journal of Urology. ( Sept 1997) 14: 45-47.
Correlation between testicular histology and outcome after intracytoplasmic sperm injection using testicular spermatozoa
Hum Reprod (1996 Nov) 11(11):2567
Putting new drugs to good use.
Hum Reprod. 1999 Feb;14(2):572.

Speaker's Bio

Dr. Anjali Malpani


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