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People Who Don't Understand Other People: A Psychiatric Condition

24th February 20093.00pm



8513 Aqueduct Road

Potomac, MD  20854-6209

Phone:  301.294.0032: Fax:  301.294.1162






Education:       The Catholic University of America

                        Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, 1975.

                        Internship:  St. Elizabeths Hospital, Washington DC

                        (The National Institute of Mental Health)              

University of Maryland, College Park

                        B.A. (High Honors; Phi Kappa Phi) 1968


Professional Affiliations:

            Fellow, American Orthopsychiatric Association

             Fellow, Maryland Psychological Association   

  Affiliate Member Baltimore-Washington Society for Psychoanalysis

            Member, American Psychological Association

            Member, Division of Psychoanalysis, APA

             Member, Division of Independent Practitioners, APA

            Member, Division of Clinical Psychology, APA

            Member, District of Columbia Psychological Association

Member, Virginia Psychological Association

Member, Northern Virginia Society of Clinical Psychologists

Associate/Psychotherapist Member,

American Psychoanalytic Association


Licensure:        Licensed Psychologist, Maryland, #972

                        Licensed Psychologist, District of Columbia, #812

                        Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Virginia, #767


Experience (Clinical/Administrative): 


1977 – present.  Private practice of psychotherapy with children, adolescents, and adults, specializing in the treatment of pre-school and early elementary grade children.  I work with people ranging in age from three years old to the mid-70s. 


1999-2000. Coordinator, Mental Health Services for Infants and Young Children, Fairfax County, Va. Government.  Program development, program oversight, program supervision, staff training.  Inter-agency consultation and collaboration.  Recruitment, training, assessment, retention and, if necessary, dismissal of staff.


<!--[if !supportLists]-->1981-1999.      <!--[endif]-->Coordinator, Youth and Family Clinical Programs.  Woodburn Center for Community Mental Health, Fairfax County, Va. Government.  Program development, program oversight, program supervision.  Inter-agency consultation and collaboration regarding the provision of services across service agencies (Department of Social Services, Fairfax County Public Schools, Fairfax County Health Department, etc.).  Responsible for Recruitment, training, assessment, retention and dismissal of staff, as required.  Programs required interaction with multiple agencies including the forensic system for rehabilitation/treatment; the local court system, three school systems.



1978-1981.Supervisor, Children’s Intensive Treatment Team, Woodburn Center for Community Mental Health, Fairfax County, Va. Government.


1974-1978.        Clinical Psychologist, Youth and Family Services, Woodburn Center for Community Mental Health, Fairfax County, Va., Government.


Experience (Teaching/Consultation):


2005-present:  Co-chair, Infant/Young Child Mental Health Training Program, The Washington School of Psychiatry, Washington, D.C.


2005-present:  Member, Faculty Coordinating Committee, The Washington School of Psychiatry, Washington, D.C.


2002-present.  Clinical Consultant:  The Reginald S. Lourie Center for Infants and Young Children, Rockville MD.  Consultation to senior staff to facilitate behavioral change within clinical setting and within the larger administrative setting.


1997-2004.  Clinical faculty, George Washington University Doctor of Psychology Program, Washington, DC.  Emphasis on psychodiagnosis.


1995-present.  Core faculty, Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Training Program, The Washington School of Psychiatry, Washington, DC.


1995-present.  Member, Editorial Advisory Panel, Magination Press (the Children’s Book Division of the American Psychological Association).


<!--[if !supportLists]-->1992-2000.      <!--[endif]-->Professional consultant, Fairfax County Public Schools Special Education Pre-School Diagnostic Programs.


Ongoing.  Media consultant, providing interviews at request of the American Psychological Association on various children’s issues (New York Times, Washington Post, USA Today, Boston Globe, Child Magazine, Health Magazine, Parents Magazine).


January, 1991 (Gulf War).  Media consultant for the American Psychological Association regarding the effects of televised violence on young children.


Ongoing.  Professional workshop presentations (Washington School of Psychiatry, The Lab School of  Washington DC, etc.); community consultation to parents and teachers of children in pre-school, early elementary and mid-elementary grades.


<!--[if !supportLists]-->1979-2000.      <!--[endif]-->Clinical Psychology Internship Training.  Seminar:  Issues in Psychodiagnosis from a Psychoanalytic Perspective.  Woodburn Center for Community Mental Health (APA-approved).  Ongoing individual and group supervision of clinical psychology interns.


<!--[if !supportLists]-->1976-2000.      <!--[endif]-->Consultant, Pre-school and early elementary programs, Falls Church, Va., Public Schools.




Nemiroff, Marc.  APA Distinguished Psychologists Video Series:  Helping Children Understand Adoption.  American Psychological Association, 2006.


Nemiroff, Marc & Annunziata, Jane.  "Attention Deficit Disorders in Pre-schoolers.”  In Raising Young Children Well:  Insights and Ideas for Parents and Teachers.  Other Press, New York, 2006.
<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->


Nemiroff, Marc, & Annunziata, Jane.  All About Adoption:  How Families Are Made and How Kids Feel About It.  American Psychological Association (Magination Press), 2004.


Annunziata, Jane, & Nemiroff, Marc.  Sex & Babies:  First Facts.  American Psychological Association (Magination Press), 2003.


Rasmussen, Ann, & Nemiroff, Marc.  The  Very  Lonely  Bathtub (a child’s book about problems with obstinacy).  American Psychological Association (Magination Press), 1999.


Nemiroff, Marc, & Annunziata, Jane.  Help is on the Way:  A Child’s Guide to the ADDs.  American Psychological Association (Magination Press), 1998.


Annunziata, Jane, & Nemiroff, Marc.  Why Am I an Only Child?.  American Psychological Association, 1998.


Valner, Jessica, & Nemiroff, Marc.  "Silent Eulogy:  Elective Mutism in a Six Year Old Hispanic Girl,” The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, Volume 50:  1995, Yale University Press.


Nemiroff, Marc, & Annunziata, Jane.  A Child’s First Book About Play Therapy.  American Psychological Association, 1990.  Winner of Distinguished Achievement Award, Washington Edpress.  Translated into Spanish, Polish, Portuguese, Dutch, and German.


Co-author.  "The National Aeronautics and Space Administration/U.S. Public Health Service Health Evaluation and Enhancement Program – Summary of Results.”   American Journal of Cardiology, November 1972.  (This was one of the early papers documenting the effects of physical activity on coronary artery disease prevention.)


In process:  "The Interaction of Constitutional/Regulatory and Intrapsychic Factors in Group Treatment to Facilitate Behavior Change.”  (Current title; manuscript in process and is under consideration by two publishers.)

Speaker's Bio

Dr. Marc Nemiroff


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