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Ms Sushma Mishra


Sushma Mishra

Sushma is a certified Angel Card Practitioner and Healer under Charles Virtue, son of Doreen Virtue (the pioneer of Angel Therapy). She is also a certified Angel Card Reader under Sunita Singad, one of the teachers in India to be certified by Doreen Virtue.

Sushma has been a Practicing Angel Card Reader for the past 5 years and has conducted Workshops on Angel Card Reading and Angel Healing. Alongwith this, Sushma is a Certified Master Hypnotist by the International Academy Of Life. With this knowledge, she has helped quite a few individuals to heal themselves from their addictions, depressions, stress situations, etc.

Sushma is also a Certified Crystal Healer and Teacher, having done her Crystal Healing Course from Tarminder Manchanda, the Only Certified Teacher in India with complete and in-depth knowledge about Crystal Healing. Having mentioned that, she has also been a part of a Crystal Healing Workshop by Rustam Josephs who looks at Crystals as healers of our Past Life pains and Karmic baggages.

Sushma is also an experienced Tarot Card Reader, and has been practicing it for the past couple of years. She also conducts Workshops to interested students.

Other than the above, she is also a Numerologist, a Graphologist and uses Metaphor Therapy in her healings and teachings alongwith being a 1st Level Theta Healer.

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