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Mr. Sunil Parekh


Mr. Sunil Parekh is an International Success Coach and Mind Expert having studied and applied the Mind Programming techniques in his own life for the past 14 years. Mr. Parekh was able to successfully RISE from a debt situation to the Chief Operating Officer of a 800 employee company and multiplied his income multi-fold using these techniques. 
His Personal Mission and Life Purpose is the INSPIRE, MOTIVATE and EMPOWER people to LIVE THE LIFE THEY WANT. He has a personal Breakthrough Goal of touching One Billion lives through his Seminars, Workshops, Books and CDs, Internet, TV & Radio shows and other print and electronic media by the year 2032. 
Mr. Parekh is an International Success Coach, Certified Mind Trainer and NLP Practitioner. 
He has a B Tech Degree from IIT (India) and a MS Degree from Virginia Tech (USA). Sunil is currently the Managing Director and Chief Empowerment Officer of RISE Development Academy.

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